6 L E H A V R E N E W S S E P T E M B E R 6 LEHAVRE COURIER | SEPTEMBER 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS SEMINAR FOR LE HAVRE RESIDENTS WHEN: OCT 14 2014 7:00PM WHERE: LE HAVRE CLUBHOUSE The Commissioner of the NYC Office of Emergency Management will discuss storm preparedness and provide written reminders for all residents. Le Havre has been upgraded to Zone 2 for mandatory evacuation in the event of a catastrophic storm. We urge all residents to attend. From the Manager’s Desk: BY MARGARET COSTELLO The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at PS 193 which is located at 152-20 11th Avenue in Whitestone. The meeting will begin at 7 PM. The Voting Group (Election Administrators) will be handling the actual election process, as in prior years. Each shareholder should receive an informational package by early October with voting dates and times and instructions on how to cast your vote. If you have not received a package by mid-October, please contact the Management Office at (718) 767-7400. Voting will take place in the clubhouse on Sunday, October 19th from 10 AM– 2 PM, Tuesday, October 21st from 5 PM – 8 PM and on Thursday, October 23rd from 5 PM – 6 PM in the clubhouse. You may also cast your votes at the meeting on Thursday night at PS193. Look for notices on your bulletin board and in the mail from the Voting Group. A “Meet the Candidates” night has been scheduled for Monday, October 6th in the clubhouse at 7:45 PM where you will get a chance to meet and speak with all the candidates. We look forward to a good turnout at both events.
To see the actual publication please follow the link above