10 L E H A V R E N E W S S E P T E M B E R What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? Board Transparency Upkeep of property – long term capital plan Involved community Additional Information: Why I am running for the Board? My main reason for running for this position is to continue my desire to be an advocate for others’ best interests. So, you may ask, what are the qualifi cations and value I bring to the community as a whole. I am a Software Asset Manager for a major fi nancial institution. Previously, I was a Project Manager. My work experience includes research, strategy, organization, and communication. Throughout my professional career, I learned the necessity of setting a long-term vision and the need for specifi c action plans to reach it. These same lessons can be applied to the board. The board must have long-term vision, delegate authority to management, provide oversight of the administration, and evaluate its performance according to clearly established expectations. The board provides an important link between the community and management. Members of the board have been elected by the community to be its eyes, ears, and voice. It is important that board members have access to information, listen to all viewpoints from community, and cast their vote on decisions that represent the best interests for our community over the long term. We also need to tackle the key fi nancial and administrative challenges which allow us to effectively maintain the Le Havre quality of life while keeping costs down. The top challenge we face is that of Fiscal responsibility—continuing the current board’s excellent work of putting Le Havre on solid fi nancial footing and charting a course for long term Capital Improvement planning. Le Havre is a refl ection of the quality of the community-and I am proud to reside here. I believe our community has been moving in the right direction for the past few years. We have completed a major necessary capital improvement project to our buildings, our fi nances are solid, and never before have I seen such a wide variety of engaged involved residents; at the pool, and in the variety of activities that are held in the clubhouse. By being re-elected, I hope to ensure we continue to move in a positive direction. H TOM TSOUNIS H Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? 19 years Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? If Yes, Specify: LeHavre Owners Corp Whitestone 10/2000-10/2006 Vice President 10/2008-10/2009 Board Member What special experience, qualifi cations, or abilities can you provide as a Board member? Please include your educational background. President and Treasurer of Queensborough C.C. Alumni; Executive Board Member of ATU Union for 3 years; Democratic Committee man for 4 years, State Committee member for Working Families Party for 10 years. B.A. from Queens College, Associates from QCC, member of Who’s Who in both colleges. What is your occupation? Retired What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? Minimize maintenance & assessment increases Find ways to generate income & lower operation costs Additional Information: Need to achieve a quorum or lower the requirements for a quorum to ensure an election every year. The annual election will allow Board Members to be elected instead of the previous year’s Board remaining in power by default. Any vacancies on the Board should be fi lled from the list of candidates in vote order instead of being appointed by the Board itself. H STEVEN YOUNG H Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? 40 years Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? If Yes, Specify: LeHavre Owners Corp Whitestone 1998-2002 Board Member & President 2010-Present Board Member What special experience, qualifi cations, or abilities can you provide as a Board member? Please include your educational background. BA, CASAC License, graduate studies in substance abuse, 1199 Delegate, member of arbitration committee, labor Management board member, budget committee member What is your occupation? Retired after 42 years as a Drug & Alcohol counselor at Hillside Hospital What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? Maintaining the stability of maintenance 10 LEHAVRE COURIER | SEPTEMBER 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Five year plan for capital projects to include cement work on all 32 buildings Maintain amenities, see that the co-op is advertised better and improve the marketing of the co-op Additional Information: As a resident of Le Havre for the last 40 years and a prior board member for fi ve years, I remain committed to the betterment of the LeHavre community. I’ve watched the neighborhood grow over the years with new members and families, and noticed so many of our existing members remaining. There are countless reasons folks choose to join us and decline to leave. From the two pools and tennis courts to the safe and convenient location, Le Havre has so much to offer its residents. It is more important now than ever to keep Le Havre the gem that it has become and I believe that I have the skill sets and experience to accomplish this as a member of your Board of Directors. From serving as the Board President for two years and as a member of the Recreation and Budget committees, I have contributed to this community on myriad levels. Currently, I have been working closely with the Budget committee to help develop a fi ve – year plan for our future, which will, among other things, cap our maintenance fees, improve our infrastructure, and strategize, on continued growth. I was involved in our recent successful fi ght against the city tax increase and have been working to bring our community together through mediation. I have a good sense of what the community cares about, and I know that certain issues such as potential maintenance increases are extremely unpalatable. If I am elected to the board, my hard work and dedication to this neighborhood will be put forward to ensure that the costs of living here are not further increased, that the expectation of residents are met and that Le Havre continues to be a great place to live.
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