N E W S A U G U S T 6 L E H A V R E A Message from Steve Young The Board of Directors over the past year has been looking into certain building improvements. We have started with the most serious issue which is the flooding and decaying of the cement under our buildings. This project is already under way and we hope to have four buildings done before the end of the year. The first step was to design both a functional and cosmetic plan for the cement replacement work. I want to thank Selma Musicant and Susan Liebowitz for their input and ideas to extend the lobby pattern of tiles to the entry way, using pavers to resemble the lobby tiles. The Board selected an excellent contracting company to do this work by choosing Sal Salamone Contracting. This is a local family business who has exceeded our expectations in every aspect. In addition to the cement work N E W S A U G U S T 6 FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK: BY MARGARET COSTELLO A discussion on the upgrading of the hallways and A discussion took place on the laundry machine replacement program that is currently underway. A “laundry” party will be hosted by Coinmach in early September, in the clubhouse, to demonstrate usage of the machines and light refreshments will be served. The date for this will be posted when available. Captains expressed praise for the newly replaced cement work under B#23 which has entry way Captains were informed that the Board and Management are constantly pursuing funds to repair 6 LEHAVRE COURIER | AUGUST 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM and the pavers, they have handled the necessary plumbing work by installing french drains around the building to deal with the flooding issues while, at the same time, giving the cement work under the building and entry way a complete new look. The next project will be to assess our hallways in relation to the wallpaper and any other necessary improvements. We have already replaced all of the intercoms, have replaced all of the washing machines and dryers, replaced some lobby doors, finalized the conversion to gas heating and upgraded our gym. I cannot say enough in praise of our great staff for their help in getting the projects done. Steve Young, L E H A V R E Board Member Building Captains Update: A Building Captains meeting took place on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. The meeting took place in B#24 and was attended by twenty five shareholders representing nineteen buildings. The following topics were discussed: The need for speed bumps to be put back in the parking lots now that the repaving work has been completed. Club Management: The captains were advised that the Board of Directors voted to outsource the management of the entire clubhouse operations to Elite Pool Management. This decision was based on the fact that both the Board and Management have been getting positive feedback from Elite’s management of our two pools since Memorial Day. A discussion took place on the gym ventilation / air conditioning situation and the need to improve it. Various issues were discussed with regards to how the Captains would like future projects to be discussed with them, in advance, and as to how they would like to see the porters handle their building issues more effectively. building interiors took place. Cement Work: pavers to match the lobby design. Sea Wall behind B#32: the damaged sea wall by B#32 through Congressman Steve Israel’s office, Assemblyman Ed Braunstein’s office, Councilmember Vallone’s office and Senator Tony Avella’s office. Management would like to welcome their newest employee, Anastasia Savvy, who came on board at the beginning of August to fill the reception / accounts payable position. DINING OUT “ Hope all of you enjoy the rest of the summer season and take full advantage of the amenities “ that Le Havre offers!
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