N E W S JULY 14 L E H A V R E Impressive art BY LIZ BORST HALLORAN SPOKESPERSON QUITS AS FUNDS FROZEN THE COURIER/File photo Kevin Ryan, spokesperson for indicted Councilmember Dan Halloran, has quit. BY MELISSA CHAN The mouthpiece for indicted Councilmember Dan Halloran has quit his post. Kevin Ryan, 37, resigned as the lawmaker’s director of communications on June 14. He worked for Halloran for nearly a year. “I have greatly enjoyed working for the City Council, especially in the unique 19th District,” Ryan said in a statement. “I am grateful to the councilmember, my coworkers, especially my communications colleague, Victor Mimoni, the fi ne journalists I’ve had the pleasure of working with and the District 19 residents for making it such an exciting opportunity.” Halloran is fi ghting federal charges for allegedly conspiring to get State Senator Malcolm Smith on the GOP line in this year’s mayoral race. 14 LEHAVRE COURIER | JULY 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM The city has frozen nearly $73,000 in Council discretionary grants to three nonprofi ts Halloran supported, said City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s offi ce. Grant allocations to the Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Community Center, Quality Services for the Autism Community and Prevention Alternatives for Families in Crisis Nature-Nurture Counseling Center are being held and pending clearance, city offi cials said. Ryan is the latest top aide to abandon the embattled politician. Legislative Director John Mulvey and Chief of Staff Chrissy Voskerichian both quit shortly after Halloran’s early April arrest. Voskerichian is now running for his seat in the City Council. Ryan said he has taken a new job as a clerk for the city’s Board of Elections in Queens and will remain active in the GOP and Northeast Queens Republican Club. “There’s not much more I can do here,” the ex-spokesperson said, “and the chance to learn all I can about the political process is very appealing.” The Le Havre Children and Teens Art Classes fi nished up another exciting year with “Portfolio Day,” in which each student’s artwork went home with them to show their family and friends. I am always amazed at the quality of work that these young artists create each year. Even the six year olds are able to complete my advanced projects. Some of the projects this year were tonal drawing, foreshortening, expression portraits, cartoon animation cells, watercolor landscapes, and two projects inspired by Mar Chagall and Georgia O›Keeffe. Materials such as acrylic paints, watercolors, craypas, colored pencils, china markers and sketch pencils were used on paper and canvas. To see project lists, student artwork and read more about the art classes, visit us atwww.LizArtClass. com. To register for fall classes please contact me through the website or LPBorst@ nyc.rr.com. Ages 6-14, fee is $15 per class (includes all supplies). Classes meet Tuesday and Thursday 4-5 p.m.
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