

N E W S M A R C H 8 L E H A V R E BY JUDY DENSKY Chairman LeHavre Art League Sunday 1/18/15 started out as a miserably cold and rainy day, “Not fit for man or beast,” as they say. But several of our LeHavre Art League members were at the Bayside Historical Society art show with their best work! I drove to the show at the Castle building in Fort Totten in the freezing rain about 2:30 PM and was happy to get parking near the building. Upstairs in the Castle all was warm, brightly lit and very inviting. The place was surprisingly crowded for such horrible weather, a tribute to the lively and growing arts scene now in Queens, the other Manhattan! In the anteroom was a long table filled with cheeses, crackers and fruit, along with juice and three selections of wines. Suitably refreshed, I entered the large party room where there were about 25 or so artists’ work displayed— oils, acrylics, water colors, mixed media, photography, and sculptures on white exhibition walls throughout the room. To my right was our own Charles (Chuck) Bentz with two portraits done so well with their subjects’ personalities open for all to see. He was happily explaining to a viewer that the portrait of the old man was his father-in-law. Further, in on a middle wall were a pair of Pat Brintle’s small oil scenes, one of the sea and the other a grove of trees, done expertly. Next I came upon Helene Oerelich, who was chatting with other friends. I loved her large night photo of our beloved Whitestone Bridge, which she has so expertly and extensively shot in all times of the day and throughout the seasons. 8 LEHAVRE COURIER | MARCH 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Near her was Diane Menna, another of our art league group, who showed a couple of colorful modern acrylics, which I liked very much. At about 3 PM we were all ushered into the anteroom for the awards ceremony, but I lingered in the exhibition room to look again at all the paintings and photos, undisturbed by the crowd. I was delighted to hear that Charles Bentz received Honorable Mention in the category of oils and acrylics for his painting titled “Elijah with Beard,” a Manet-like portrait of a man with mustache and jaunty hat. So despite the weather, I enjoyed a most delightful show and met many of my LeHavre neighbors. OUR LEHAVRE ARTISTS AT

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