

N E W S M A R C H 6 L E H A V R E elite nutrition seminar With Michelle Shapiro the truth about sugar saturday, march 21st, 2015 in the clubhouse 1:00pm Let us guide you in living a healthier lifestyle! The seminar will help you set and achieve your nutritional goals. With the assistance of our Elite Pool & Fitness registered dietitian, Michelle Shapiro, RD, will be given the knowledge & skills to lead a healthier lifestyle. *this seminar is free to all residents* IRISH CULTURAL DAY SUNDAY, MARCH 1st, 2015 ST. MEL'S CHURCH - 26th Ave. & 154th St., Whitestone, TIME: 1 to 5:30PM CONTINUOUS LIVE IRISH MUSIC, SONG & DANCE Featuring: "Susan and Gerard" Susan Gillespie and Gerard Corbett - daziling vocals, brilliant harmonies, musical versatility and the abili'ty to entertain audiences both young and old. • THE KELLY FITZPATRICK SCHOOL OF IRISH STEPDANCING - Approx. 2PM & 3PM • THE KEANE ACADEMY of CEIL/ DANCING CELTIC HERITAGE BOOKS • IRISH GIFTS • CHINA JEWELRY • HANDCRAFTS • FOODS • SHAMROCKS DONATION: $7 Céad Mile Fáilte CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 6 LEHAVRE COURIER | MARCH 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM • THE NIALL O’LEARY SCHOOL OF IRISH STEPDANCING - Approx. 4PM • GLOR NA GAEL PIPERS FREE COFFEE or TEA & IRISH SODA BREAD OR CAKE LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS DIVISION 15, WHITESTONE 718-746-3837

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