C R Y D E R P O I N T 10DECEMBER Community Room open for business! Cryder now has a comfy new place for cards, movie watching, and shareholder meetings under the 01 Building. The new community rooms sports a large, flat-screen TV, a welcoming, electric fireplace, a full kitchen, and game tables. “We tried to find pictures of the old community room – to show before and after,” says Board President Jill Davis. “But it seems that no one wants to remember the old place because we couldn’t find any. We didn’t want to hold shareholders meetings there because it was either too hot or too cold.” With credit to resident manager Bill Newell for some clever space reallocation, the new community room is a year-round reality at last. “We’ve also added a nice, new powder room down the hall for everyone’s convenience,” says Davis. The walls may be bare now – but the winners of a Cryder photo contest held last May can expect to see their images up shortly. Better yet, the New Year’s brunch – which in past years has been held in the lobby of the 21 Building – will get a new home in the new community room starting in January. (From l-r) Elyse Rubin, Betty Exharos, Bella Resnick and Phyllis Tuckner Kaplowitz, Loy Lassman Susan and Joel Glazer Joel Haravay, Barbara Haravay and Barbara Lowy 10 CRYDER POINT COURIER | DECEMBER 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM After extensive renovation, Cryder Poi nt meeting space is ready for residents.
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