Just because the big jobs of the balconies and seawall
have been completed doesn’t mean there’s a dull day
here at Cryder Point. For example, some of you
may have noticed our staff digging up small sections
of the 21/41 courtyard that was just reseeded.
What? Well, it seems that a couple of basins
that help catch water overflow were inadvertently
buried when the temporary parking
lot was installed. (It’s always something, isn’t
it?) The basins are important to help reduce
flooding, and our crew has fixed the problem.
Of course the areas have been reseeded and will
be pretty again soon. Fortunately, these are fixable
problems – and they don’t cost a whole lot
of money!
With the property looking better, the current awnings to the building
entrances look worse than ever, and we will be ordering new ones soon.
Photo renderings with the sample color choices are on order and will be
displayed in the Community Room, along with samples of the fabric, so
that shareholders can share their opinions. More info to come.
As discussed at the shareholders’ meeting in May, and subsequently
included in that meeting’s recap, we received violations from the
Department of Buildings (DOB) in the spring which included balcony
enclosures and barriers to fire escapes. Engineers have been hired and they
are surveying and documenting the current conditions, and an attorney
has been secured to address the issues with the DOB. In case you’re wondering
why you have not received an update since May, please be aware
that this is an evolving issue, and we don’t yet have enough information to
provide shareholders with an informed update. As soon as we do, we will
be calling a shareholders’ meeting to get everyone up to date.
In the meantime: One simple remedy to help mitigate part of the situation
is for everyone to keep their balconies clear of any items, no matter
how small, that can block access to the fire escapes and fire stairs. All residents
have received a notice to this effect. Be aware that property checks
are being done regularly, and violators will be subject to an administrative
charge if not rectified immediately upon notice.
On a lighter note, the Quality of Life Committee has been very active
lately, not the least of which was arranging and organizing July’s blowout
Adult Pool Party. It was a smashing success, and whether or not you
were at the party, I hope you enjoy the recap and photos in this issue. But
that’s not all! Coming up in August, the Committee has planned its second
annual kids’ pool party; in September, there will be a Cryder Point “flea
market” (sell your stuff!); and next thing you know, it’ll be October and
time for the Halloween Party. Stay tuned for details.
Thanks as always to everyone on the QOL for their ideas, effort and
enthusiasm. These are busy people who volunteer their time, and the activities
they initiate help make Cryder Point a special place to call home.
Till next time, Jill Davis
Publisher & Editor Victoria Schneps-Yunis
Associate Publisher Joshua A. Schneps
Editor In Chief Jill Davis
AUGUST 2017 Message from the
Board President
• T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s p a p e r o f C r y d e r P o i n t •
“We’re All About You”
up and sign for your copy of the revised
House Rules at your concierge’s desk.
residents are required to maintain
homeowner’s insurance.
Reminder letters will be issued
shortly to submit a copy of your Declarations
Page to the Management
Office as soon as possible.
COMPACTOR ROOMS: Residents are
advised to adhere to the signage in
the compactor rooms and to keep the
rooms neat. All trash is to be placed
in the chute, and paper/cardboard
and plastics/glass/metal are to be put
into their respective bins. A designated
bucket is in each room for batteries.
Please contact your concierge or Management
if you have any questions.
SHOPPING CARTS: Carts are provided
in lobbies as a convenience to
transfer packages to and from apartments.
Residents are reminded to return
them to the lobby promptly after
use. Do not leave them in elevators
or hallways. If you need assistance,
please contact your concierge.
Residents are not permitted to store
personal items in the garages. If you
have items in the garage, please remove
them immediately. Items not removed
will be discarded. If you need assistance,
contact the Management Office.
protect your privacy and maximize
Management Office resources, no
personal business services (copying,
faxing, printing, etc.) are permitted in
the Management Office. Only Cryder
Point business is to be handled.
Thank you for your cooperation.
a problem in your apartment such as
heat, plumbing, etc., please contact
your Concierge. He/she will notify
the Office to provide assistance as
soon as possible.
are required to contact
Management prior to initiating any
renovations/improvements, including
but not limited to the installation of
split-system air conditioning, kitchen
or bathroom remodeling, installation
of balcony screens, etc. Please contact
the Office with any questions.
have received a form to provide
the Office with updated contact
information in the event of an emergency.
If you have not already done
so, please complete and return the
form as soon as possible.
dog! Your dog must wear a CPOC
issued medallion anywhere on CPOC
property. Dogs observed without a
medallion will be assumed not to be
registered and owners will be subject
to a $250 administrative charge. See
Stacey in the office to register.
DOG WALKING: House Rules expressly
prohibit walking dogs anywhere
on the property to relieve
themselves; failure to comply will
result in a warning and/or $250 fine.
Please keep your dog on a short
leash to prevent them from wandering
onto the grass of CPOC property.
e-mail the Board at board@cryderpoint.
com or leave a note with your
concierge, at the Management Office
or in the Suggestion Box in your lobby.
Management Office: 718-767-5003
Management Office Fax: 718-767-1549
/e-mail: Stacey.cpoc@gmail.com
Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5336
Board of Directors e-mail: board@cryderpoint.com
Cryder Point Courier
38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441
Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: editorial@qns.com
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