

APRIL 8 Elvis has left the building! Or C RY D E R P O I N T Property Update…Property Update…Property Update BY JILL DAVIS more accurately, Right Angle Construction has left the property! As previously reported, the last item on Right Angle’s to-do list in completing the seawall project was to blacktop the rear area of the 41 parking lot, which had to be done before they could remove the rest of their equipment from the property and residents could return to their permanent parking spots. In typically dramatic fashion, we were nearly down to the wire with our March 31 deadline for clearing out the temp lot--the blacktop went down on March 24 and the new lines marking the parking spaces couldn’t get done until March 29 because of the weather. Phew! So, what’s next? 21/41 Courtyard Restoration By the time of this paper’s printing, Queens Garden Center’s equipment will probably already be on the property to rip out the temp lot. This is Step 1 in the courtyard restoration, and residents should be aware that it will be a noisy process at times, with jackhammers and other loud equipment doing the job. (Please note that QGC has been informed that no work can be done on weekends or holidays.) After all of the so-called temporary gravel and underlying foundation has been removed, new soil will be put down. At that point new water lines for the sprinkler system and new electrical lines for courtyard lighting need to be installed. These new electrical lines will allow us to install enhanced, high-efficiency lighting along the new pathway between the 21 and 41 buildings. For anyone who is wondering about the ugly chunks of concrete left from the old lampposts, yes, they will be removed at that time. We will be using the pavers that were saved from around the pool area (which is now concrete) to rebuild the walkway, and new benches will be permanently placed along the new promenade area. In addition, the temporary access ramp into the lot will be removed and the adjacent sidewalk will be repaired. We are also planning to make the circle inside the driveway smaller in circumference to make navigating in and out of the area easier for cars The 41 parking lot: the final piece! New stairs to the beach and trucks. When all of that is completed, the courtyard will be seeded and new plantings will go in. We expect that all of this will take approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete, weather permitting. Entrance Awnings With the rest of the property undergoing 8 CRYDER POINT COURIER | APRIL 2017 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM so many improvements, the existing awnings at the main entrances and on Powells Cove look sad by comparison. They have probably been here 20 years or so, and it’s time for an update. We don’t want to automatically replace them with the current color (although that is an option) in case we can find a color that works even better. The book of color choices is literally about 3 inches thick, and we’re in the process of whittling the selection down to a few options to make the decision manageable. We will be asking residents to weigh in on this, so stay tuned for more information. Basement Carpeting Installation of basement carpet tile and cove moldings is complete. The rear of the 01 building was the last phase and was finished at the end of March. Painting of the interior doors and existing trim to coordinate will begin soon. New pier with security gate Promenade looking east Photos by Bill Newell, 3/29/17

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