FEBRUARY 4 Message from
the Board President
Well, we got through January, which was
a pretty nasty month weather-wise. A bitterly
cold stretch came earlier than usual,
and temperatures since then have been
jumping all over the place. I’d like to
take this opportunity to remind everyone
to have your windows and radiator
valves checked if you’re having a problem
with heat. Please do not fiddle with
them yourself—call your concierge to
schedule to have one of our staff come
and take a look. And, of course, it’s not
too late to have your window air conditioner
removed…we still have quite a long way to go this season…
and it will be removed and reinstalled at no charge.
Speaking of heat, as of this writing the coat drive is underway,
and we’re seeing a really nice turnout of donations. If you haven’t
seen the notice, please bring a new or gently-used clean coat
to your lobby where a box has been set up for contributions.
Thanks to the Quality of Life Committee for organizing this effort
and to everyone for donating to this very worthwhile cause.
The ongoing violation issue with the DOB continues to move forward,
although at a snail’s pace. Merritt Engineering (the engineers
on our balcony project) have been doing their due diligence and is
scheduling another meeting with the DOB to settle the matter; we
do not have a date yet for when that meeting will happen, but have
been told that it will be soon. As always, stay tuned. In the meantime,
I remind everyone that it is imperative to keep your balconies
clear of any items that interfere with egress to the fire escape stairs.
If you’re not sure whether an object would be considered an obstruction,
please contact the Management Office.
As you’ve seen in the posted notices, the renovation to the 01
Community Room will begin shortly. Carpet tiles have already
been ordered and will replace the old vinyl tile. But before the
carpet can be put down, the floor has to be leveled; we will be receiving
bids for that work as soon as the floor is exposed. The goal,
of course, is to have the room re-opened as quickly as possible. In
the meantime, please use the 21 Small Community Room.
Finally, new this month is “Cryder Point Community News,”
a column featuring news and stories from and about our shareholders
and staff. I am hoping that readers will enjoy this piece
and that everyone will want to share their good news items with
the rest of the community. If it takes off, this may become a regular
addition to our newspaper (so please write in!).
Till next time, Jill Davis
• T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s p a p e r o f C r y d e r P o i n t •
“We’re All About You”
Publisher & Editor Victoria Schneps-Yunis
Associate Publisher Joshua A. Schneps
Editor In Chief Jill Davis
are required to contact Management prior
to initiating any renovations/improvements,
including but not limited to the installation
of split-system air conditioning, kitchen or
bathroom remodeling, etc. Contact the Office
for information and necessary forms.
COMPACTOR ROOMS: Residents are advised
to adhere to the signage in the compactor
rooms and to keep the rooms neat. All
trash is to be placed in the chute, and paper/
cardboard and plastics/glass/metal are to be
put into their respective bins. A designated
bucket is in each room for batteries. Please
contact your concierge or Management if you
have any questions.
are required to maintain homeowner’s
insurance and a copy of your Declarations
Page of your current insurance must be on
file with the Management Office.
BALCONIES: All balconies must remain
clear of any obstructions to access to fire escapes.
Violators will be subject to an administrative
charge. Please contact Management
if you have any questions.
SHOPPING CARTS: Carts are provided in
lobbies as a convenience to transfer packages
to and from apartments. Residents are reminded
to return them to the lobby promptly
after use. Do not leave them in elevators or
hallways. If you need assistance, please contact
your concierge.
Residents are not permitted to store personal
items in the garages. If you have items in the
garage, please remove them immediately.
Items not removed will be discarded. If you
need assistance, contact the Management
protect your privacy and maximize Management
Office resources, no personal business
services (copying, faxing, printing, etc.) are
permitted in the Management Office. Only
Cryder Point business is to be handled. Thank
you for your cooperation.
a problem in your apartment such as heat,
plumbing, etc., please contact your Concierge.
He/she will notify the Office to provide
assistance as soon as possible.
have received a form to provide the Office
with updated contact information in the
event of an emergency. If you have not already
done so, please complete and return
the form as soon as possible.
DOG REGISTRATION: Register your dog!
Your dog must wear a CPOC issued medallion
anywhere on CPOC property. Dogs observed
without a medallion will be assumed
not to be registered and owners will be subject
to a $250 administrative charge. See Stacey
in the office to register.
DOG WALKING: House Rules expressly prohibit
walking dogs anywhere on the property
to relieve themselves; failure to comply will
result in a warning and/or $250 administrative
charge. Please keep your dog on a short
leash to prevent them from wandering onto
the grass of CPOC property.
the Board at board@cryderpoint.com, or
leave a note with your concierge, at the Management
Office, or in the Suggestion Box in
your lobby.
Management Office: 718-767-5003
Management Office Fax: 718-767-1549
e-mail: spankavich@cryderpoint.com
Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5336
Board of Directors e-mail: board@cryderpoint.com
Cryder Point Courier
38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441
Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: editorial@qns.com
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