14 FEBRUARYOOuutt & About
Yes, just in time to get us out of our winter doldrums--or bury our heads under
the covers--it’s Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14. It is one of the more
debated holidays of the year: is it a “real” holiday or just an excuse for restaurants
and florists to double their prices? Discuss.
Whichever side of the argument you’re on, I hope you get a smile out of these
V-Day quotable quotes:
“I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I
think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming
at me with a weapon.” ~ Author Unknown
“Money can’t buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.” ~ Christopher
“Get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn’t work out, you haven’t
wasted a whole day.” ~ Mickey Rooney
“Valentine’s Day: the holiday that reminds you that if you don’t have a special
someone, you’re alone.” ~ Lewis Black
“Love is much nicer to be in than an automobile accident, a tight girdle, a
higher tax bracket or a holding pattern over Philadelphia.” ~ Judith Viorst
“If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?” ~ Author Unknown
“True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells,
get your ears checked.” ~ Erich Segal
“Women with pasts interest men. They hope history will repeat itself.” ~ Mae
Coming up in the area this month:
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
Monday, February 12
and Tuesday, February 13
And they call it puppy love…the big
dog of all canine competitions will be
enjoying its 142nd anniversary this year,
and as always it will be chock-full of two
days of suspense and excitement no
matter what your favorite breed may be.
There’s a wide range of ticket prices depending
upon when you want to go and
how much you want to see, but they start
at $32 for adults and $15 for kids. Breed
judging happens during the day (8am-
4pm) at Piers 92/94 on 12th Avenue and 55th Street, and group judging is in the
evening (6pm-11pm) at Madison Square Garden. The event is capped off Tuesday
night with the announcement of Best in Show.
Valentine’s Day Dining Out
Wednesday, February 14
There’s something to suit everyone’s taste this Valentine’s Day. Several nearby
restaurants are taking reservations, including Villagio in Whitestone (Italian) and
Uncle Jack’s (steak) and Apertif (French) in Bayside. Marbella on Northern Blvd.
(Spanish) is again offering lovebirds a choice of an a la carte menu in their main
dining room with music by a harpist (how romantic!), or a prix fixe buffet in their
ballroom with a DJ and dancing ($75 per person).
Music at the Tilles Center
Friday, February 16
and Saturday February 17
720 Northern Blvd.,
If you’re feeling a little nostalgic
for some oldies but
goodies, pick one of these
nights (or both!) and head over to Tilles this weekend.
On Friday at 8pm, The Lettermen, The Association,
and Gary Puckett & the Union Gap will give you
a triple-play of their hits (remember “Young Girl”?
How about “Never My Love”? Don’t lie, of course you
do!). Tickets start at $42.
On Saturday, Melissa Manchester takes the stage
at 7:30pm to sing songs from the Great American
Songbook as well as some of her own hits (“Midnight
Blue;” “Don’t Cry Out Loud”). You might cry out
loud a little at the price of Melissa’s tickets: they start
at $72, but I bet they’re worth it.
Evening Readings
Tuesday, February 27
– Tuesday, April 17,
Kupferberg Center
for the Arts
LeFrak Concert Hall,
Queens College
153-49 Reeves Avenue,
This series brings
prestigious writers to
Queens College to read
from their works and participate in a Q&A session with the audience. First up
on February 27 is John Guare, best known for “Six Degrees of Separation.” Other
guests will include playwrights Lisa Kron (Tony award winner for “Fun Home”)
and Doug Wright (Pulitzer Prize and Tony winner for “I Am My Own Wife”). Tickets
for the entire series are $49.
The Chocolate Expo
Sunday, March 4, 10am-7pm
Cradle of Aviation Museum
Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Garden City
Chocoholics unite! Touted as the “world’s largest chocolate expo,” chocolate
vendors from all over will be selling their goodies at this sweet 9-hour event.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for kids 2-12 (but if you order online between
order 5pm-7pm, all tickets are just $10). The expo also promises live entertainment
(list not available at press time, so check out the website as the event gets