

C R Y D E R P O I N T 6 JANUARY Balcony Project Finally Complete There are many new residents here who didn’t see what the property looked like before the new balconies and may not know how lengthy a project it was. Those of us who have been here throughout are happy to forget the ugly old balconies, intrusive scaffolding and nasty jackhammers, but this was a major undertaking worth remembering. Finally, after nearly five years, tons of concrete and many noisy demolitions, the balcony project is complete! A Very Brief History of the Project It was 2011, and with the exception of a few balconies that had previously undergone extensive repairs, it was clear that overall the balconies were in pretty bad shape. They were, after all, original to the buildings--60 years old--and the water and wind conditions here had taken their toll. When rotted steel in the balconies along Powells Cove Blvd. was identified, total replacement of those balconies was done. Merritt Engineering was hired in 2012 as the new engineer for the rest of the project. In the hope that complete replacement of all of the rest of the balconies would not be necessary, and instead that mostly repairs and only specific terraces would need to be fully replaced, comprehensive testing of the infrastructures was conducted. This included drilling into a sampling of balconies among all three buildings to test for the strength and stability of the concrete. Results were mixed, with some balconies considered safe, while others were questionable. Xinos was hired as the contractor for the project in 2013. A detailed three-year timeline was developed, and the 41 Building was chosen to be the first building tackled in 2013, followed by the 21 Building in 2014 and the 01 Building in 2015. Target date for completion of the entire project was the end of December, 2015. Xinos began work on the 41 Building in the spring of 2013. Based upon the testing, the 41 Building should have been in comparatively decent shape, but as Xinos started repairs and got down to the steel beams, they discovered quickly that conditions were worse than had been thought. After lengthy consultations amongst the Board, Cryder Point Management, Merritt and Xinos, it was anticipated that conditions would be even worse in the 21 and 01 Buildings. Merritt recommended that it would be safer and Continued on page 7 6 cryder point courier | JANUARY 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM Photos by Stephen Vrattos and Merritt Engineering Then: It was clear something had to be done with the old balconies.

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