To all Honorees and Award Recipients from one of you who has,
over the years, been so richly IMPACTED by ALL OF YOU!!
I hope in some small way to give back to the community that has given so much to me!
IMPACT means
Individuals and Institutions
for the Communities
that they Touch
With Warmest Regards,
The Honorable Ivan D. Mossop. Jr. MBAtax EA
Founder Action Civic Association for Greater Jamaica
Republican Male District Leader NYS 32nd Assembly District
As of February 5, 2021 Candidate for NYC Council District #28
Caribbean Life Impact Awards, F 14A ebruary 12-18, 2021
I am the son of the Caribbean Islands
of Barbados (Callenders of St
Michael's) and Jamaica (Mossops of
McCatty Street, Montego Bay).
By marriage I am the adopted son of
Guyana, SA (Benjamins and Peters).
Global25 & Justice: Global25 focuses on Economic Justice,
Social Justice, Environmental Justice, Educational Justice, and
Equity; particularly, as it relates to Communities of Color Worldwide.
The initiative(s) are project based and focus on S.T.E.A.M,
(Science, Technology, Education, Art, and Math) Economic Development,
The Arts, Women's Empowerment, “Place Making”, and
ESG (Environmental Social Governance).
Global25 &The Arts: Global25 is a full-service art, marketing,
and planning company; specializing in exhibits, events, project
development and management, public / private partnerships, and
economic development, economic empowerment, and “Place
My Mission is to Build a Sustainable Society”. A Sustainable Society must have four
(4) pillars: a strong economic structure, healthy constituents in all realms (i.e. access to
health care, healthy environment), equitable access to education (from birth to higher
education), and social justice (in all aspects of society).
MDK Malikka D. Karteron
CEO / President