12 Caribbean Life, July 5—July 11, 2019 BQ
Caribbean Heritage Month
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Haley Gray understood the importance of helping others. She would explain the
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extraordinary courage and bravery.
ready for the time when ex fighterss and
families will return and seek to resettle
in Trinidad.
“Within the next year or so, you will
eventually have some hardened FTFs
return to this country. Those are your
citizens. They are your responsibility.
Are you ready to deal with that kind of
threat?” She spoke at an annual general
meeting of the American Chamber Of
Commerce on the island, pointing to
Trinidad’s recent history with radical
terrorist activity.
Trying to switch islanders on to
the seriousness of the situation, the
military officer said that those who
had dismissed warnings about a terror
attack against the 2018 carnival were
mistaken as intelligence showed that
the threat was real but was thwarted by
mutual cooperation.
“If there is any one in this room that
does not be lieve that the car ni val threat
of 2018 was re al, then you are hid ing
un der a rock.” She argued that those
from the 2018 plot were mere amateurs
compared to the seasoned ex fighters
who will return home in the coming
“You can see them as boy scouts.
Yes, they had the rad i cal i za tion mental
i ty and they want ed to do bad things.
But when you com pare them to what is
com ing back those guys are boy scouts.”
Luckily for Trinidad, she suggested,
is the fact that there is no hardcore,
charismatic leader around to rally the
flock. If there was one, “then you have
a problem.”
What has been miss ing in this country,
in her opin ion, Car riza les said “when
it comes to ter ror ism and not any thing
hap pen ing here of great impact” was
“that charis mat ic, hard core, Mus lim
for eign fight er that comes back and can
ral ly the rest of those. Then you have a
prob lem.”
Minister of Security, Stuart Young
says security forces will be ready to
monitor and deal with any returning
In the meantime, the Concerned
Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago (CMTT)
criticized the American position and
approach to returning nationals saying
they ought to be welcome and accepted
back home.
ISIS returnees
Continued from Page 1
also had representatives from the
Consuls General offices from St.
Lucia, Grenada, Carriacou and Petit
“District Leader Olanike Alabi,
as well as a representative from
NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s
office, Danielle Jones, were also in
attendance,k” she added. “Hazra
Ali, the chair of Brooklyn Borough
Hall’s Caribbean Heritage Month
Committee, who is always extremely
supportive of our program and works
to ensure that it is a huge success (was
also present).”
Justice Hinds-Radix said the
committee this year paid tribute to
the late William “Bill” Howard, Sr.,
former president of the Brooklyn-based
West Indian American Day Carnival
Association (WIADCA).
“Since we launched the First
Caribbean Heritage Month Program
back in 2017, Mr. Howard was one of
our first sponsors,” she said. “When we
called upon him, he provided us with
anything that we needed.
“It was because of contributions
from him, and others like him, that
our programs have been so successful,”
she added. “It was only right that we
pay homage to a person who dedicated
his life to the people of the Caribbean
Justice Hinds-Radix said, this year,
“WIADCA took on a larger role in
sponsoring our Third Annual Program,”
with Victoria Britt and Cecille Ford
being “instrumental to our committee
in the planning stages.
“This year, we incorporated more
cultural aspects from the Caribbean,”
Jusrice Hinds-Radix said. “We had
Radoes Steel Pan Band play the
National Anthem, as well as provide
musical commentary throughout the
program and reception that followed.
“We had costumed performers,
Junior Andrews and his partner,
who represented an Obeah man and
woman,” the justice added. “Also, we
had a pageant queen, Kaiia Phillip,
representing St. Vincent and the
In addition, she said “the great
Calypsonian, Archie Miller, and his
band performed songs, and his son,
Kevin Miller, who is an up and coming
poet, recited a poem that he wrote.”
The keynote address was delivered
by Barbadian-born Dean Humphrey
Crookendale, of the School for
Public Affairs and Administration
at Metropolitan College of New York
Justice Hinds-Radix said he spoke
about his experience migrating from
the Caribbean, paying tribute to his
mother, as well as to the history and
reasons “behind why many Caribbean
people came to the United States.”
Continued from Page 1
Prime Minister of Trinidad and
Tobago Keith Rowley.
Government of Trinidad and Tobago