1260 Franklin Ave., Bronx, NY 10456 • www.mohallcs.org
The mission of the Mott Hall Charter School is to prepare our scholars in mind,
body, and character to succeed in top high schools, colleges, and careers by
becoming inquisitive, open-minded, and compassionate citizens of the world.
The Mo Hall Charter School is Accepng Applicaons for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade!
Scan code or go to hps://mohallcharterschool.schoolmint.net to apply
Our programs include access to community-based organizaons focused on mentoring and
college, adult civics classes, adult ESL classes, aer school and Saturday tutoring, engaging
online plaorms to increase student learning , music classes, and soball & basketball.
We will also provide transportaon via MetroCards for all eligible students.
For more informaon, please contact Erica Flores at eflores@mohallcs.org or 718-991-9139
Caribbean Life, F 40 ebruary 18-24, 2022
Mott Hall Charter School,
1260 Franklin Ave., Bronx, NY 10456
Located in the Morrisania neighborhood of the South Bronx, the Mott Hall Charter School is a
middle school for grades 6, 7 and 8. We at Mott Hall Charter School pride ourselves in our
distinctive mission to prepare our scholars in mind, body, and character to succeed in top high
schools, colleges, and careers, becoming inquisitive, open-minded, and compassionate
citizens of the world.
We teach for the 21st Century through our unique approach to learning, which provides a
holistic educational experience, grounded in evidence-based research on how students learn
best. We pride ourselves in offering steadfast support to our students and their families.
Our programs include access to community-based organizations focused on mentoring and
college, adult Civics classes, adult ESL classes, after school and Saturday tutoring, engaging
online platforms to increase student learning, music classes, softball and basketball.Our
average class size is 25 students, with a teacher-ratio of 13:1, a school year of 180+
instructional days, and 100% high school acceptance.
For more information, please contact mainoffice@motthallcs.org
or 718- 991-9139, and visit our website at www.motthallcs.org.