City invests $11M in Old Stone House
Mayor Bill de Blasio on
Dec. 23 presented Park Slope’s
historic Old Stone House with
a giant check for nearly $11
million, intent on preserving
and restoring the centuriesold
landmark rife with historical
signifi cance.
The house, which currently
sits in Washington Park, is a
20th-century reconstruction
of a home originally built in
1699 that was, in the mayor’s
words, “literally one of the
most important sites of the entire
American Revolution.”
“We are standing in front of
a site where the American Revolutionary
forces literally had
their backs to the wall,” de Blasio
said at an event unveiling
the investment. “And where
the fate of the American Revolution
hung in the balance.”
In the pivotal Battle of
Brooklyn in 1776, a group of
about 400 soldiers from Maryland
held the line against a
much larger 2,000-strong regiment
of British Redcoats at
the Old Stone House, allowing
George Washington and most
of the American troops to cross
the East River into Manhattan
and escape to fi ght another day.
The Maryland 400, as
they’ve come to be known,
did eventually surrender to
the British, who proceeded to
occupy Brooklyn and Manhattan.
But the heroics of the
group at the Old Stone House
were pivotal to preventing an
early American defeat in the
war: area Councilmember
and Comptroller-elect Brad
Lander on Thursday quoted
George Washington as saying
COURIER LIFE, DEC.26 31, 2021-JAN. 6, 2022
the battle was “an hour more
fateful for the American democracy
than any other.”
Over a century later, the
house would again cement
its place in Brooklyn history
as the original clubhouse of
the Brooklyn Superbas, the
baseball club that became the
Brooklyn Dodgers.
The house was demolished
and buried under landfi ll in
the late 19th century, but was
excavated and rebuilt using
the original stonemasonry
into an exact replica in the
1930s. It was intended to be
used as a recreational facility
at the newly-constructed JJ
Byrne Playground, but historically
minded Brooklynites lobbied
for its recognition as a historic
site starting in the 1970s,
when historic preservation
was going mainstream. Today,
it serves as a museum, and provides
year-round educational
and cultural programming.
De Blasio entered politics
as the area’s councilmember in
2002, and made restoring the
house and the park priorities.
“The park used to be a little
funky. The playground was not
the most modern playground,”
Hizzoner said, noting that he
and Lander, his successor,
had invested city funds in restoration.
“This whole area has
blossomed, so to me it’s also a
The house, which was
added to the National Register
of Historic Places in 2012, is
maintained through a mix of
public and private funds, and
the $10.95 million investment
presented Thursday represents
a massive cash infusion
dedicated to keeping history
alive at the abode.
“The Battle of Brooklyn
is a story of resilience. And it
was a very critical moment in
our history,” said Kim Maier,
executive director of the Old
Stone House. “But it’s also a
lesson we can all learn from
in the future. Because our
choices and our actions are
what move us forward as a
city, as a community, and as a
nation overall.”
The Old Stone House is the site where the Maryland patriots halted the attacking British army so the Americans
could escape to safety during the 1776 Battle of Brooklyn. File photo by Stefano Giovannini