since 1983: The Adams Street
Library represented two milestones
for the Brooklyn Public
Library: it was the borough’s
fi rst new branch to open in
40 years and is Dumbo’s fi rst
public library. The 6,5000
square foot library sits on the
fi rst fl oor of an old industrial
building, and is primarily
geared toward children.
Brooklyn drivers
charged after killing pedestrians
in particularly
deadly traffi c year: In the
midst of a particularly dangerous
year for bikers and pedestrians,
two drivers were
charged after killing pedestrians
in Brooklyn. Tyrik Mott,
a 29-year-old Crown Heights
resident, was charged with
assault and manslaughter
after allegedly speeding the
wrong way down Gates Avenue
and crashing into another
car and a family of three, killing
three-month-old Apolline
Mong Guillemin. Qiuhua Zhu,
of Sunset Park, was indicted
on charges of negligent homicide
and manslaughter after
pulling around a stopped car
to make a left and killing sixyear
old Tamy Hiromi Quema
Guachiac while she crossed
Eric Adams won the mayoral race in November, and Attorney General Letitia James entered (and later dropped out of) the race for governor.
the street with her mother.
Mill Basin dognapper indicted
on robbery, assault
charges: An East New York
man who dragged a woman
from her car in Mill Basin before
taking off with her poodle
was indicted on robbery and
assault charges. Kamani Romain,
21, allegedly attacked a
73-year-old woman as she sat
in her parked car and stole
her car and nine-year-old poodle,
Luna. Both car and canine
were later returned unharmed.
De Blasio mandates vaccines
for all city employees:
Mayor Bill de Blasio said that
all city employees — except
COURIER LIFE, DEC.16 31, 2021-JAN. 6, 2022
corrections offi cers — had
to have at least their fi rst jab
by the end of October or take
an unpaid leave until they
could show proof of vaccination.
Corrections offi cers, who
were largely unvaccinated
and very in demand as the
city struggled to staff jails and
prisons, had until December
to get their fi rst dose. Employees
who got their shot at a cityrun
site before Oct. 29 were eligible
for a $500 bonus.
Two Brooklynites enter
the gubernatorial race,
only one sticks around: Attorney
General Tish James
and Public Advocate Jumaane
Williams both launched campaigns
to succeed Gov. Kathy
Hocul in Albany. James later
chose to end her campaign
and run for reelection as AG.
Election results unsurprising
in Brooklyn and
citywide: Three Brooklynites
secured their spots in city government:
Borough President
Eric Adams won the mayor’s
race by a wide margin, while
outgoing council member Antonio
Reynoso clinched his
spot as new Brooklyn beep
and Public Advocate Jumaane
Williams handily won reelection.
While progressives won
big across the board, Republican
Inna Vernikov trounced
her Democrat opponent in a
south Brooklyn city council
“Gravesend” cast save
teen hit by car in Gravesend:
The cast and crew of
mafi a thriller “Gravesend”
saved a 14-year-old boy after
he was hit by an out-of-control
vehicle and trapped beneath
it while walking his dog one
evening. Brooklyn native Will
DeMeo, the show’s star, helped
lift the car off the teen before
emergency services arrived
on the scene.
“The Race to Deliver”
explores quick-commerce
Continued from page 14
Continued on page 18
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Walk-Ins Welcome Brooklyn: Mon. 9am-2pm, Wed. 9am-12pm & 4pm-7pm, Fri. 1pm-6pm
2075 Flatbush Avenue
Avenue P / Near Library