Born and raised in Astoria, Bernardo
Cano is a true reflection
of our close-knit neighborhood.
Schooled at Most Precious Blood,
I.S. 10, LIC High School and La-
Guardia Community College,
western Queens is in his heart and
soul. Strong and athletic, he got into boxing,
jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai to channel his
energy and keep him out of trouble at a
young age.
At around 20 years old, his training
became something that he started taking
seriously, the frequency of the workouts
increased, and MMA became his career.
“I always enjoyed the sport, but when
I found out I was going to be a father, I
retired and decided to move into the family
business,” Cano said. “As a construction
worker, I have more structure, a steady
income and a chance to provide a better life
for my daughter.”
Cano soon found that he missed the tough
training of his previous career and began
to search for an alternate outlet. A cousin’s
husband had completed the NYC Marathon,
and Cano had long had the marathon on his
list of personal goals.
When he had the opportunity to run for
the charity enCourage Kids, which aims to
ease the stress of childhood health issues
and medical treatment by creating easy
going and entertaining in-hospital, offsite
and at-home events/experiences, he
jumped at the chance.
“Last year I was presented with the
opportunity to participate with the charity
enCourage Kids,” he said. “I thought to
myself, not only will I be able to cross
something off my bucket list, but I will also
be able to help kids while doing so.”
In July 2016, Cano reached out for
assistance with long distance running. As an
MMA fighter, quick-paced, shorter distance
training is common to simulate cardio
demands of a fight. However, you're not
going to sprint a marathon. He didn't know
how to maintain a steady pace to run a mile.
“Running is a sport I never respected
until last year,” Cano said. “My body didn't
know how to react after 8 miles, and I was
really sore, yet I was eager to learn. I’m
very persistent in accomplishing a goal,
especially if it challenges me. I threw myself
into marathon training.”
After months of training, on Nov. 6, 2016,
he completed the New York City Marathon
and caught the running bug.
“I didn’t want to wait until next November,
so I went marathon hunting and in January
2017, I did my second marathon in Miami,”
he explained. “That wasn't enough, so I
set my sights on three full marathons in six
Cano accomplished that goal when
he completed the Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh
Marathon marathon in April. Not one to
back down when another opportunity
presents itself, he completed the New York
City Triathlon and, two weeks later, the
Atlantic City Triathlon.
What started as a singular goal has
now led him to sign up for the Ironman in
October 2017 in Miami. It consists of a 1.2-
mile swim, 56-mile bike ride and a 13.1-mile
half marathon.
Cano considers his connection with
enCourage Kids Foundation a driving force
behind his journey as a distance athlete. It is
a very hands-on charity experience.
“Running on behalf of enCourage Kids has
its perks,” Cano said. “As a runner, we not
only raise funds for the charity, but we get
the chance to volunteer time to spend with
the children. The organization hosts events
and programs for the kids, and we have a
chance to interact with the children and their
families, play with them, and enjoy the day.”
Meeting these children face-to-face has
made an impact on Cano.
“Even though these children have
certain obstacles in front them, they're