Brandy, Giffard Crème de Peche, Cinzano
Dry Vermouth...I want everyone that
walks through my door to feel like they’re
coming to hang out.”
As for the unique moniker, Lyman
said close friends have been calling
him “The Freckled Moose” for years,
and it has quickly caught on. With Irish
and Scottish heritage, the freckled part
is understandable. But the moose?
Definitely not what you’d expect.
“Everyone up North knows that in a
contest of moose versus car, the moose
always wins,” the New England native
explained. “I have been run over five
times and have never been hurt. I’ve
been backed over by cargo vans, hit by a
cab in a crosswalk, everything.”
Of course, besides just having a great
name, a restaurant needs someone with
a food background running the show
— and Lyman is a high-end concierge
turned self-taught chef. Working for five
years for American Express Centurion
Card holders and Abigail Michaels in
Manhattan, he developed a palate for