20 AUGUST 2 0 1 7
in Queens, I was eating them,” Schenkkan
said. “I knew that whatever she
made would be amazing, and that more
of my friends should know about and be
able to appreciate her talents.”
Mortensen made her friend a brown
butter-bourbon cake with champagne
buttercream and tequila berry filling.
Mortensen said that visually, the cake
looked “like a 6-year-old made it” — although
I don’t quite believe that — but
that the cake was a hit.
“What struck me about that cake was
— honestly — how insanely delicious it
was,” Schenkkan said. “So simple, but
everything from flavor to texture was
spot on; I couldn't stop eating it! To this
day it's one of the best cakes I've ever
had, and everyone at the party raved
about it.”
After Mortensen had been baking for
friends and fellow actors for a time, her
friends encouraged to share her talents
with the world. So she started an Instagram
account (she’s also a talented photographer,
so the pictures of her treats
really stand out). That’s when she came
up with her name: She Bakes, You Eat.
Now, people find her on Instagram and
contact her about buying one of her
Mortensen imagines that one day,
if she leaves the acting business, she
might open a coffee shop/bakery filled
with books where people can relax on
a comfy couch, read, and have coffee
and dessert. For now, though, baking is
a “wonderful side hobby” and a creative
outlet, especially when she is not performing
in a show and is thus spending
most of her time waitressing and auditioning.