18 | BOROMAG.COM | AUGUST 2013 MexiBBQ (c,2) (718) 626-0333 37-11 30th Ave, Astoria www.mexiqny.com Mezze Place (B,2) (718) 777-2829 31-18 Broadway, Astoria www.mezzeplace.com Ornella Trattoria Italiana (B,1) (718) 777-9477 29-17 23rd Ave, Astoria www.ornellatrattoria.com Ovelia (B,2) (718) 721-7217 34-01 30th Ave, Astoria www.ovelia-ny.com Penthouse808 (A,3) (718) 289-6118 8-08 Queens Plaza South, LIC www.penthouse808rooftop.com Pita pan (c,2) (718) 204-1633 37-15 30th Ave, Astoria www.pitapanny.com Portalia Ristorante (b,2) (718) 545-3500 35-03 Broadway, Astoria www.portalianyc.com Queens Comfort (c,2) 718-728-2350 40-09 30th Ave, Astoria www.queenscomfort.com Queens Kickshaw (c,2) (718) 777-0913 40-17 Broadway, Astoria www.thequeenskickshaw.com Rèst-âü-Ránt (B,2) (718) 729-9009 30-01 35th Ave, Astoria www.rarbarlic.com S Prime Steak House (c,2) (718) 707-0660 35-16 36th St, Astoria www.sprimenyc.com Sage General Store (b,4) (718) 361-0707 24-20 Jackson Ave, LIC www.sagegeneralstore.com Shi (a,4) (347) 242-2450 4720 Center Blvd, LIC www.eatdrinkshi.com Skinny’s (a,4) 718-806-1068 47-05 Center Blvd, LIC Stove Restaurant and Bar (C, 1) (718) 956-0372 45-17 28th Ave, Astoria www.stoveastoria.com Sugar Freak (C,2) (718) 726-5850 36-18 30th Ave, Astoria www.sugarfreak.com Testaccio (a,4) (718) 937-2900 47-30 Vernon Blvd., LIC www.testacciony.com THYMARI (b,2) (718) 204-2280 32-07 34th Ave, Astoria www.thymari.com Vesta (a,2) (718) 545-5550 2102 30th Ave, Astoria www.vestavino.com william hallet (c,2) (718) 269-3443 36-10 30th Ave, Astoria www.williamhallet.com Winegasm Bar and Eatery (c,2) (718) 932-3331 31-86 37th Rd, Astoria www.winegasmeatery.com Yajai (b,2) (718) 956-9559 33-16 30th Ave, Astoria www.yajaithaifood.com Bugati Café 31-5 34th St., Astoria, NY 11106 (718) 626-1115 Hono Grill & Nodle 33-06 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 606-0653 www.honoo33.com AREPAS CAFE (B,2) (B,1) (718) 937-3835 33-07 36th Ave & 2119 Broadway http://www.arepascafe.com Sage General Store (B,3) (718) 361-0707 24-20 Jackson Ave., LIC NY 11101 www.sagegeneralstore.com Michael’s Cafe (B,3) (located inside Four Points Sheraton) (347) 536-3633 27-05 39th Ave., LIC NY 11101 www.michaelscafeny.com Bakeries Astor Bake Shop (a,2) (718) 606-8439 12-23 Astoria Blvd, Astoria www.astor-bakeshop.com Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company (718) 777-1121 36-14 30th Ave, Astoria www.bkbagel.com (C,1) 35-09 Ditmars Blvd, Astoria (C,1) 36-14 30th Ave, Astoria (C,2) 35-05 Broadway, Astoria Malu (A,4) (718) 729-6258 12-09 Jackson Ave, LIC www.amomandpopshop.com Sweetleaf (A,4) (917) 832-6726 10-93 Jackson Ave, LIC www.sweetleaflic.com Fod shops Astoria Bier & Cheese (C,2) (718) 545-5588 34-14 Broadway, Astoria Astoria Park Wine and Spirits (b,1) 28-07 24th Ave, Astoria www.astoriaparkwineandspirits.com Astoria wine and spirits (C,2) (718) 545-9463 3412 Broadway, Astoria www.astoriawines.com Fod Cellar (A,4) (718) 606-9786 4-85 47th Rd., LIC www.foodcellarandco.com Shops Apollo Gallery (C,2) (718) 786-7590 34-10 36th Ave, Astoria Belief (B,1) (718) 721-4444 29-20b 23rd Ave, Astoria www.beliefnyc.com babyNOIR (B,1) (646) 470-4728, 26-16 23rd Ave, Astoria www.babynoir.net Inside Astoria (C,1) (718) 956-4000 28-07 Ditmars Blvd, Astoria LIC: living (A,4) (718) 361-5650 535 51st Ave. LIC www.licliving.com Loveday 31 (B,2) (718) 728-4057 3306 31st Ave, Astoria www.loveday31.com Site (C,2) (718) 626-6030 35-11 34th Ave, Astoria www.sitenyc.com Pets City Vet (A,4) (718) 433-1334 45-44 Vernon Blvd, LIC www.cityvetnyc.com Steinway Court Vet (c,2) (718) 728-2822 32-14R Steinway, Astoria www.steinwaycourtvet.com LIC VET CENTER (A,4) (718) 255-6514 48-18 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City www.longislandcityvet.com Florists Restaurants alewife (a,4) (718) 937-7494 5-14 51st Ave, LIC www.alewifequeens.com Aliada (b,2) (718) 932-2240 29-19 Broadway, Astoria Astor room (C,2) (718) 255-1947 34-12 36th St, Astoria www.astorroom.com Bareburger (b,2) (718) 777-7011 33-21 31st Ave, Astoria (718) 204-7167 23-01 31 St, Astoria www.bareburger.com Basil Brick Oven (B,1) (718) 204-1205 28-17 Astoria Blvd, Astoria www.basilbrickoven.com Bear (a,2) (917) 396-4939 12-14 31st Ave, Astoria www.bearnyc.com Brick Cafe (B,2) (718) 267-2735 30-95 33rd St, Astoria www.brickcafe.com Bread Box Cafe (A,4) (718) 389-9700 4711 11th St, LIC www.breadboxcafelic.com Burger Club (b,2) (718) 777-7788 32-02 30th Ave, Astoria www.burger-club.com Burger Garage (B,3) (718) 392-0424 25-36 Jackson Ave, LIC www.theburgergarage.com Butcher Bar (c,2) (718) 606-8140 37-08 30th Ave, Astoria www.ButcherBar.com Cavo (C,2) (718) 721-1001 42-18 31st Ave, Astoria www.cavoastoria.com Café Bar (C,2) (718) 204-5273 32-90 36th St, Astoria www.cafebarastoria.com Café via espresso (C,1) (718) 545-3290 2409 Steinway St, Astoria www.cafeviaespressoastoria.com Carioca Grill (B, 2) (718) 606-1329 29-03 Broadway, Astoria DiWine (C,2) (718) 777-1355 41-15 31st Ave, Astoria www.diwineonline.com El Ay Si (A,4) (718) 389-8781 47-38 Vernon Blvd, LIC www.elaysi.com Faty’s (B,1) (718) 267-7071 2501 Ditmars Blvd, Astoria www.fattyscafenyc.com Il Bambino (C,2) (718) 626-0087 34-08 31 Ave, Astoria www.ilbambinonyc.com leng thai (b,2) (718) 956-7117 33-09 Broadway, Astoria www.lengthainewyork.com LIC Market (B,4) (718) 361-0013 21-52 44th Dr, LIC www.licmarket.com Linn (B,2) (718) 204-0060 2913 Broadway, Astoria www.linnrestaurant.com Locale (b,2) (718) 729-9080 33-02 34th Ave, LIC www.localeastoria.com Manducatis Rustica (A,4) (718) 937-1312 46-3 Vernon Blvd, LIC www.manducatisrustica.com 115 2 6 4 105 23 5 7 26 8 35 9 87 10 117 11 12 13 14 53 15 16 86 18 19 3 20 61 22 109 69 74 1 24 91 25 28 55 118 116 123 30 31 29 108 32 124 33 34 40 37 36 27 38 39 104 45 21 49 50 51 52 54 75 121 Floresta (A,4) (917) 612-4446 51-02 Vernon Blvd, LIC 4-85 47th Rd, LIC www.florestanyc.com/blog NYC FAR M CHIC Flowers www.nycfarmchicflowers.com Petals and Rots (B,2) (718) 267- 1700 31-27 31st St, Astoria www.petalsandroots.com Services Ark locksmith 24/7 Service (c,2) (718) 932-LOCK (5625) 30-10 37th st, Astoria www.Astorialocksmith.com Astoria Center of Israel (718) 278-2680 27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria www.astoriacenter.org Dr. Panagiotis Pagonis, M.D. (b,2) (718) 278-0300 30-16 30th Ave, Astoria www.drpagonismd.com Hero computer repair nyc Apple/Mac Computer Repair Specialist 347-670-4376 [email protected] | www.iamhero.net MPN Law Firm (C,2) (718) 777-0400 3403 Broadway, Ste. 200, Astoria www.mpnfirm.com RCN (A,3) Digital TV and High-Speed Internet Services 33-16 Woodside Ave, LIC (212) 842-7981 www.rcn.com/boromag Tuck-It-Away Storage (B, 3) (718) 519-8282 37-19 Crescent Street, Astoria www.tuckitaway.com Vardiman Eyewear (c,2) (718) 204-5037 34-18 Broadway, Astoria www.vardimaneyewear.com Video Express (c,2) (718)626-0846 3408 30th Ave, Astoria Blue Bird Child Care 25-58 48th St Astoria, NY 11103 (347) 832-0103 www.bluebirdchildcareastoria.com events FOUNDRY (a,3) (718) 786-7776 42-38 9TH St, LIC www.thefoundry.info The Renaissance Event Hall (A,1) (718) 274-4590 27-34 21st St, Astoria www.renaissanceofastoria.com Hotels Ravel (a,3) (718) 289-6101 8-08 Queens Plaza South, LIC www.ravelhotel.com Z NYC Hotel (a,3) (212) 319-7000 11-01 43rd Ave, LIC www.zhotelny.com Four Points Sheraton (B,3) (718) 786-8500 27-05 39th Ave., LIC, NY 11101 www.fourpoints.com Tatto shops Super Nova Tattos (c,1) (718) 274-5712 38-01 23rd Ave, Astoria www.supernovatattoo.com Beauty MAP IT DIRECTORY 125 44 47 132 130 133 129 114 119 77 56 57 59 122 62 63 129 64 65 66 17 67 130 134
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