The health plan for individuals
AMIDA CARE is a welcoming community
that celebrates you for who you are. We see
each member as a whole person, with physical,
emotional, and social needs. You can expect:
Comprehensive health coverage
Personal champion who works with you
privately to customize your health care
Expertise in sexual health, including
HIV treatment and PrEP access
Help with housing referrals, job training,
and other support programs
Stock photo with model.
Are you tired
of wearing partial
and are you scared
of dental implants?
Then this non-surgical procedure
exclusively at M&M Dental offi ce is for you • 718-853-5777
106 Beverly Road, Brooklyn, NY
Do you mean I can have permanent
teeth without surgery?
And I don’t have to wear my partial
dentures any longer? Then
the FDA approved glass abutment
system (zx-27) is for you.
Here it is in a nutshell: Prior
to the amazing new technology
zx-27 glass abutment, only
two options existed for tooth replacement
procedures — either
dentures or implants. Everyone
knows how uncomfortable dentures
are, and implants require
a complicated surgical intervention.
Furthermore, this process is
not guaranteed to work very long,
and not cheap.
When we call zx-27 a new
method, we are distorting the
facts to some degree. The
method was developed and patented
in 1991 by a Hungarian
dental technician Laszio Nemth.
Currently, this medical product
has been tried and tested and
has the highest international
quality certifi cate ISO 9002 and
the European marking CE. It has
been used with great success in
Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland,
Sweden, Austria, Germany,
Australia, Spain, Italy, Ukraine,
Russia, and other countries.
This system allows patients
to avoid removable dentures and
implant surgeries. The results are
the same but there is no need to
cut. zx-27 is the only reliable alternative
to removable dentures and
implant surgery and can literally
make us happy and healthy very
quickly and without any pain.
How does it work?
Everything is very simple.
You have developed gaps in
your mouth and you need to seat
bridge but you are lacking the
abutments (support) teeth.
Therefore, in order to avoid
dentures or implants, a little artifi -
cial glass abutment, zx-27, is custom
made for each patient. It has
a concave surface and sits perfectly
on the gum. The abutment
is securely mounted on the fi xed
prosthesis, which is typically cemented
afterwards. What is more
important, the bridge can have
any length, and with glass abutment,
there is no leverage effect.
If you have any questions
about this procedure please visit
the website or
call M&M Dental offi ce at (718)
853–5777. Our offi ce is located
at 106 Beverley Road (2nd Floor),
Brooklyn, NY.
Medicaid Health Plan
Call us for
1-855-GO-AMIDA (1-855-462-6432), TTY 711