Take Care to Protect Yourself
and Others From COVID-19
Safely separate at a Free, Private Hotel Room.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or were in contact with someone who tested positive, you
can qualify for a hotel room for up to 14 days to safely separate and protect others.
Take Care Hotels are safe, comfortable and convenient. All services are free. Children are welcome.
If you choose to separate in a Take Care Hotel it will not affect any other benefits you receive.
Take Care Hotels will not affect your ability to apply for a green card. Additionally, medical
treatment or preventive healthcare services related to COVID-19 will NOT be considered under
the public charge rule.
The following services are provided FREE at a Take Care Hotel:
+ Round-trip transportation to and from the hotel
and any necessary medical appointments
+ Private rooms and bathrooms
+ Onsite COVID-19 testing
+ Free Wi-Fi and Cable TV
+ Unlimited local phone calls to stay connected
with family and friends
+ Breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily*
+ Interpreter services
+ Medication delivery
+ Onsite health care services provided by skilled
doctors and nurses
+ Telepsychiatry to access expert mental health
Book your room today.
Call 212-COVID-19
or visit testandtrace.nyc
*Meals will be tailored to dietary needs
scan here