Make time for better health on busy days
Fitting in time to exercise and eat sensible
meals can be impractical, if not impossible,
when the demands of daily life get in
the way. If busy days limit your ability to
live as healthy of a lifestyle as you desire,
take charge by squeezing in fi tness and
smart snacking when and where you can.
Sneak in some exercise. Even on days
you can’t make it to the gym, you can fi nd
ways to get your body moving. Forego the
closest parking spaces and get in a little
cardio with a walk into the offi ce or while
running errands. Skip the elevator and
use the stairs. Swap out your traditional
desk chair for a standing desk or a balance
ball that lets you get in a little core exercise.
Make a point to write down your fi tness
resolutions and stick to them.
Choose smart snacks on the go. Th ere
are plenty of snack foods available that
prove you don’t have to choose between
great taste and great for you - even when
a busy schedule threatens to get in the
way. For example, when you need a quick,
healthy snack, make a clean choice like
Stryve Beef Biltong, a meat snack with
a few simple ingredients that is high in
protein. Air-dried to retain as much of
the protein and fl avor as possible with
no sugar or preservatives, biltong is just
beef and spices. It also contains no MSG,
nitrates, gluten or other artifi cial ingredients.
Biltong also works in popular
high-protein, low-carb eating plans like
keto and paleo.
Drink more water. Staying hydrated is
essential for good health, and since you
can carry water with you nearly any place
you go, it takes virtually no extra time at
all. Proper hydration helps keep skin supple
and your body systems functioning
properly. Water also helps you feel full;
in fact, people oft en mistake the body’s
natural craving for more water as hunger.
Keep a bottle of water at your desk
and refi ll it oft en. If you have trouble guzzling
at least 64 ounces a day, set reminders
on your phone or computer to keep
you on track.
Make meal prepping more fun. If planning
an entire week of meals seems like a
chore, make it more entertaining by sharing
the duty with a friend or incorporating
the whole family. Having meals and
snacks ready to go for the week ahead
makes it less tempting to grab quicker, less
healthy options when a busy day sneaks
up on you.
Carve out mental health time. It may
seem counter-intuitive but forcing yourself
to grab a few minutes of down time
can actually make you more productive.
Turn off or mute your devices and take
a break. You might use the time to collect
your scattered thoughts into an effi -
cient to-do list or simply meditate to give
your brain a break before you head to bed
so you can wake up refreshed for another
Find more ideas for living a healthier
on-the-go lifestyle at
— Courtesy Family Features