We Need a Home Health Aide, What Do I Do?
by Anita Kamiel, R.N., M.P.S.
When you or your loved one can
no longer manage the activities of
daily living, it may be time to obtain
the help of a home health aide. So
how do you hire one?
Should I use a home healthcare agency?
Using an agency means:
• Vetting and bonding is handled by
experienced professionals.
• Accounting tasks such as withholding
taxes and disability insurance for all
your aides is taken care of.
• Registered nurse provides ongoing
assessment and supervision.
Given the above, any extra expense
of an agency is well worth it. Please
note that for long term care insurance
licensed agency is required.
Which agency should I choose?
Choose an agency that is licensed so
there is oversight of the agency while the
agency oversees the aide in your home. In
New York, licenses are obtained from the
Department of Health. Check references
of the agency you plan to use by talking
to other clients.
What exactly does an agency do?
Agencies are meticulous about checking
each home health aide for:
by the New York State Department
of Education that is valid and current
with the NYS Department of Health.
in the agency’s annual in-service
• Criminal background check on each
• Current health records with a physical
What should I ask the agency about the
home health aide?
have special training in patient care
and safety?
• Do they have experience with the
disease condition relevant to your case?
• How long were they at their last
position? Why did they leave?
A really good agency will be eager to
hear what you have to say and brief the
aide they send.
Ultimately, the home healthcare agency
that can satisfy all your questions and you
feel comfortable with will be the right
one for your family to trust.
Anita Kamiel, R.N, M.P.S. is the founder and
owner of David York Home Healthcare Agency
and is fully acquainted with all factors related
to eldercare services and the latest guidelines for
seniors. Thirty years ago, she realized the need
You can contact her at 718.376.7755 or through