kids & education
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5 tips to help keep kids healthy
during the cold and fl u season
(BPT) - It’s here again - that time of year
when everyone seems to unwittingly pass
colds and other illnesses around. As every
parent knows, kids can bring germs home
from school and share them with the entire
family, spreading illness at warp speed. In
fact, 60 million school days are missed
every year by children nationwide due to
preventable illnesses like cold and fl u.
What can you do to fi ght the spread of
illness and help keep your kids - and you
- healthier during cold and fl u season this
year? It’s all about practicing healthy habits
and making sure you have the right tools.
Lysol’s Here for Healthy Schools campaign
is working with schools, educators and parents
to help reinforce healthy practices and
curb the spread of illnesses in the classroom.
As part of the program, Here for Healthy
Schools spokesperson, actress and parent
Sarah Michelle Gellar shared fi ve tips for
keeping your kids healthy during cold and
fl u season, and beyond:
1. Model healthy habits
“Your children pay closer attention to
smaller things than you’d expect,” says
Gellar. She advises modeling the habits you
want your children to follow. Demonstrate
how you use a tissue to cover your mouth
and nose when you sneeze. And be sure
that they see you washing your hands oft en,
especially before eating a meal. Actions
do speak louder than words, so practicing
what you preach can go a long way to
instilling these healthy habits in your kids.
2. Reinforce healthy habits
with caregivers
Gellar explains how important it is that
caregivers and others who spend time
with her children follow the same healthy
habits she wants to teach her children.
“I truly rely on my village to help me,”
says Gellar. “Th is means my children
interact with many diff erent people within
their day-to-day activities, and inevitably
come in contact with even more germs.”
She makes sure everyone who spends
time with her children understands the
vital role these healthy habits play in helping
to avoid preventable illnesses.
3. Involve kids in preparing
healthy meals
“Food is so important in our family,”
says Gellar. “Most of our fondest memories
take place in the kitchen.” By making
her children part of the process of planning,
preparing and serving meals, she
stresses, they are constantly learning not
only how to eat healthy, balanced meals,
but also how to create one for themselves.
4. Get a fl u shot
Gellar insists that everyone in her
household get a fl u shot each year, at the
beginning of fl u season, to help her family
stay fl u-free throughout the year. Th is also
helps prevent spreading the fl u to anyone
else who might be vulnerable.
5. Keep kids home
when they’re sick
“While we want to limit the number
of days out of school for children to
ensure they’re thriving and growing,”
Gellar explains, “it’s important as parents
to understand when to keep them home.”
Because colds, fl u and other illnesses are
easily spread, sending children to school
when they’re clearly under the weather
will likely lead to more children in the
classroom getting sick and missing school.
Following these healthy habits will help
keep everyone’s sick days to a minimum
this year, so children can learn, grow and
thrive at school.
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