107th Precinct
Hollis Hills
Driver attempts to
hit cop with car
Cops are looking for a man who tried to
run down a cop with his car in Hollis Hills
over the weekend.
According to police, at around 3 p.m.
on Nov. 18, an offi cer from the 107th
Precinct pulled over a gray BMW, which
the precinct says was operated by Michael
Taylor, opposite an apartment complex
on the Grand Central Parkway service
road near 86th Drive.
During the stop, authorities said, Taylor
reportedly refused to leave the vehicle
when the offi cer asked.
Law enforcement sources added that
Taylor then allegedly put the car in drive
and drove into the path of the offi cer,
causing the offi cer to jump out of the car’s
way. Taylor then lost control of his vehicle,
crashed into a parked car and fl ed the
scene on foot.
The 107th Precinct are looking
for Taylor in connection to the incident.
Anyone with information about
his whereabouts should call the 107th
Precinct at 718-969-6844. All calls are
kept confi dential.
110th Precinct
Willets Point
Burglar steals from
auto parts shop
Detectives are still searching for an
individual wanted for connection with a
recent commercial burglary in the Willets
Point section of Flushing.
On Oct. 24 at approximately 9 p.m.,
authorities said, an unidentifi ed black
man allegedly broke into HS Auto Parts
located at 127-27 Willets Point Blvd.
Once inside, law enforcement sources
said, the suspect removed cash, checkbooks,
laptops, scanners and car radios
from the location, then fl ed the scene.
Th e incident was later reported to the
110th Precinct.
Police are urging anyone with information
about the burglary to contact the
110th Precinct Detective Squad at 718-
476-9317 or Detective Borough Queens
North at 718-520-9200. All calls are kept
confi dential.
114th Precinct
Long Island City
Fake cop and two others
shot man after robbery
Cops are looking for a trio that shot a
man aft er they robbed a Long Island City
According to law enforcement sources,
three unknown men entered the Bonoful
Supermarket, located 29-11 36th Ave.,
just before 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 17.
Police said that one of the men had a
police shield and told the store employees,
in sum and circumstance, that the
store was doing something illegal and
proceeded to fi ne them.
Th e suspects took an undetermined
amount of cash from the register. On
their way out of the store, the bandits
got into a scuffl e with a 30-year-old man
who was inside the store, and shot him
in the leg.
Offi cers from the 114th Precinct
responded to the location aft er a 911
call came in. Th e victim was taken to
Elmhurst Hospital in stable condition.
Cops described the thieves as lightskinned
men, one of whom was last seen
wearing a dark-colored sweatsuit, who
fl ed the scene in a burgundy van.
Th e 114th Precinct tweeted out an
image of one of the suspects, who reportedly
tried to impersonate an offi cer the
next day.
No arrests have been made, and the
investigation is ongoing.
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108th Precinct
Lawyer guilty of falsifying
immigration documents
Federal jurors convicted a Sunnyside
immigration lawyer of operating a largescale
asylum fraud scheme, prosecutors
announced Monday, Nov. 19.
Andreea Dumitru (aka Andreea
Dumitru Parcalaboiu), 43, was found
guilty of one count of asylum fraud, one
count of making false statements and
one count of aggravated identity theft .
Th e charges carry mandatory maximum
sentences of 10 years, fi ve years and two
years in prison, respectively; however,
Dumitru’s sentence will be later determined
by a judge.
“Andreea Dumitru, an immigration
attorney, scammed the asylum program,
which was designed to provide safe harbor
for the world’s most vulnerable people.
She will now serve time in prison for
her crimes.” said U.S. Attorney Geoff rey
S. Berman of the Southern District of
New York.
According to court fi lings, between
March 27, 2013, and 2017, Dumitru
knowingly submitted over 100 applications
where she made false statements
and representations about the applicants’
personal narratives of alleged persecution,
criminal histories, and travel
histories, among other things.
Dumitru also deliberately fabricated
detailed personal stories of purported
mistreatment of her clients, forged her
clients’ signatures, and falsely notarized
affi davits.
Prior to these charges, in 2017 Dumitru
and her business partner Evgeny
Friedman, who operated Taxiclub
Management Inc., were charged with
four counts of fi rst-degree criminal
tax fraud and one count of fi rst-degree
grand larceny for failing to pay $5
million worth of 50-cent Metropolitan
Transportation Authority (MTA) surcharges
for each ride.