A host’s guide to holiday gatherings
Gearing up for a big crowd at your holiday
festivities can provide moments of
excitement, stress, fun and plenty of other
emotions as the big dinner draws near.
Th is year, avoid any nagging feelings of
doubt with this step-by-step guide to prepare
for large gatherings.
Plan in advance. Even if you’re typically
the last-minute type, the hectic holiday
season is no time to wait until a few days
ahead of the celebration to throw meals
and more together. Instead, be sure to
put together a guest list and send invites
at least a few weeks out. Take inventory
of supplies like silverware, plates, serving
dishes and any accessories you’d like
to feature at the table. Make an outline
of the food each guest is bringing, or, if
you’ll supply all the food, ensure there will
be plenty for everyone - don’t forget to
take into account special diets or allergies.
Make a list. Planning only takes you so
far if you don’t write everything down.
Once the menu is determined, list out
what you’ll need to make the magic happen.
Don’t forget to jot down easily overlooked
items that can be picked up the
day of, such as ice.
Remember to thaw. One surefi re way to
make the big day a big disaster is to forget
to thaw your main course. If you’re
planning to roast a turkey - perhaps the
most common centerpiece - remember it
takes around a day to thaw for every two
pounds of meat. So, for example, it could
take close to a week for a 14-pound turkey
to fully thaw prior to cooking.
Prep the day before. Th ere are many
tasks (big and small) that can be taken
care of the day before guests arrive, making
the holiday less stressful for hosts.
From whipping up simple appetizers like
dips to giving the house a thorough cleaning,
there’s plenty of pressure that can
be taken off your shoulders 24 hours in
advance. If you really want to make the
big day a breeze, consider cooking your
main dish, slicing the meat and placing it
in reheating pans one day prior.
Create a schedule. No matter how far in
advance you plan or how much prep you
complete prior to the festivities, there will
always be day-of work to be done. With
guests coming in and out, it can be helpful
to lay out what’s known as a “fi re list,”
which details times chronologically for
when things need done, such as starting
the oven to warm the turkey or simply
remembering to lay out dessert following
the meal.
Find more holiday hosting tips and
meal solutions at omahasteaks.com.
Butcher’s Butter Filet
Mignon Roast Garnish
• 1/4 cup salted butter
• 1/4 cup duck fat
• 1/2 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
• 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, minced
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 1/2 anchovy fi let, minced
• 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
• 1 prepared Omaha Steaks Filet Mignon
In small saucepan, combine butter,
duck fat, rosemary, thyme, garlic, anchovy
fi let and black pepper. Heat on low 3-5
minutes until fragrant. Remove from heat
and serve over Filet Mignon Roast.
Roasted Grape Gastrique
Roasted Grapes:
• 4 cups assorted grapes (picked, washed
and dried)
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 3/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper
• 1 cinnamon stick
• nonstick cooking spray
• 2 tablespoons water
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 4
tablespoons water
To make Roasted Grapes: Heat oven
to 350 F.
In bowl, combine grapes, olive oil, salt,
pepper and cinnamon stick.
Lightly spray baking sheet with nonstick
cooking spray. Pour grape mixture
onto baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes.
Remove from oven and pour into bowl.
To make Gastrique: In small saucepan,
combine water and sugar. Bring to
boil over medium-high heat, 5-7 minutes,
until sugar starts to brown.
Remove from heat and slowly add vinegar.
Return to heat and stir until combined.
Add cornstarch and water mixture;
bring to boil. Remove from heat.
Pour Gastrique mixture over Roasted
Whole Basted Turkey
1 Omaha Steaks Whole Basted Turkey
(10 pounds)
Th aw turkey completely in refrigerator
3-4 days or, keeping turkey in vacuum
sealed packaging, place in sink full
of cold water 5-7 hours, changing water
approximately every 30 minutes.
Heat oven to 350 F. Remove turkey
from vacuum-sealed bag. Place turkey in
bag provided; secure bag with twist tie.
Place bag in deep roasting pan. Using
fork, puncture 6-8 holes in top of bag.
For extra browning or crispness, slit top
of bag for fi nal 20-30 minutes of roasting.
Roast turkey 2 hours, 45 minutes- 3
hours. Turkey is done when internal temperature
measured with kitchen thermometer
reaches 165 F.
Courtesy Family Features