'Newsies' opens at Royal Star Theatre
Queens Comfort hosts Halloween food drive in Astoria
Astoria restaurant, Queens Comfort
spent its Halloween on more treats than
tricks with its fourth annual Halloween-
A-Go-Go Food Drive for St. Joseph’s
Food Bank, just blocks away from the
local business known for its nostalgic
decorum of toys and trinkets along with
family photos.
Th e goodwill event started at about
2 p.m., just when kids usually begin
their Halloween festivities and went on
until midnight off ering a free food buffet,
drinks, candy for trick or treaters,
and a DJ for locals to stop by and donate
canned food for a good cause while
enjoying a night out with the family.
While Halloween is usually more associated
with candy and costumes than
giving back to those in need, Queens
Comfort owner Donnie D’Alessio and
his staff use the holiday as an excuse to
help others.
“We have an appreciation for toys
and horror movies,” said D’Alessio.
“Halloween is just so dear to us, it’s
like our favorite holiday. So with
Th anksgiving around the corner we
thought it was such a good opportunity
to use the Halloween celebration to collect
food for people that need it.”
D’Alessio and his staff always felt
compelled over the years to set forth
eff orts to give back to the community,
especially for those in need. Since
St. Joseph’s is right in the neighborhood
on 30th Avenue and 43rd Street,
it only made sense to reach out and help
where they can by doing a food drive
on Halloween and even a toy drive at
Christmas time.
Th e restaurant’s manager, George
Wolf, explained that in the years since
they fi rst put on their Halloween-A-Go-
Go, the event has evolved from a few
hours in the aft ernoon to a day long celebration.
“We wanted to get a combination of
the food drive with a party later on,” said
Wolf. “Th at’s the best of both worlds.”
Aside from candy given out to young
ones enjoying the holiday, the restaurant
generously off ered a buff et that was fi lled
with some of the restaurant’s specialties.
A mac-and-cheese buff et off ered choices
like buff alo chicken mac-and-cheese,
and other tasty fl avors like a butternut
squash, in addition to burger sliders,
waffl e fries, and one free beer. Classic
family Halloween movies played on the
TV’s and the place was ornately decorated
to fi t the holiday.
In the years since Queens Comfort
started this unique and fun holiday event,
the neighborhood has certainly been
supportive of giving back and coming
together for a good time. For D’Alessio,
seeing everyone coming together is certainly
one of the best parts.
“We usually have a wave of trick or
treaters and their families coming in and
then we have our regulars that will come
later, so it’s a nice group,” said D’Alessio.
“When you see all these people coming
Photo by Jessica Militello
in it makes you feel good when you see
everyone coming together to give back
and enjoy themselves; it’s like a family.”
A stirring musical tribute to youthful
determination is gaining strong community
support at the Royal Star Th eatre
at the Immaculate Conception Catholic
School Auditorium.
Th e citywide strike organized by newspaper
boys in 1899 combines modern
savvy with 19th century styles to deliver a
thoroughly entertaining evening.
On opening night, dozens of cast members
of all ages off ered exuberant performances
in “Newsies.”
Th e elaborate choreography (Gabriella
Marchese) was well executed. Th e fourpiece
band (Paul L. Johnson, musical
direction; Brett Roelofs; George Cortes;
and Jamie Taber) played with unfl appable
consistency. Sets (Lisa Curran) and
costumes (Amy Ellis) were well done
and the show’s director, ever-present Erik
Neilssen, provided his always smiling
presence to the event.
Th e troupe itself traces its origins to
their countless performances in Flushing.
Now they are well established in their
venue at Jamaica Estates. Th e cast and
support members are comprised of many
ages and persuasions. Th e result is always
a very well-received and completely
unabashed presentation.
Fiery newsie Jack — who hides a deep,
dark past — is played with undeniable
conviction and intensity by Louis
DiBono. His girlfriend Katherine (Kaitlyn
Abdul) has a few secrets of her own.
Lovely Jackie Moe very ably portrays
Vaudeville dancer/theater owner Medda
Larkin. Many of the newsboys are played
by girls of all ages. Th ey tuck their hair
under their caps to sing, tap dance and
help power the show to its stirring conclusion.
Crutchie (Danielle Fleming) withstands
capture by unscrupulous thugs. Brothers
Les (Isabella Marsh) and Davey (Jackie
Cosse) join the ranks of steadfast, striking
newsies. Famed publisher Joseph Pulitzer
(John DiBono) is one of the musical bad
guys. He also happens to be lead actor
Louis’ father!
Th e list of talented, incredibly enthusiastic
cast members deserve unabashed
recognition for a job well done. Th ey
include: Vanessa Diaz; Elias Avalos;
AnnMarie Benigno; Dana Levy; Anne
Marie Cahill; Emily Friedenburg; Rich
Gilberto; Sarah O’Hare; Jessica Maderik;
Lauren Rottenberg; Lisa Prywes; Ellen
Armet; Sharmaine Jabrica; Daniel
Rojo; Alex Andres; Jim Gillespie; Nick
Cuttonaro; LoraMarie Muratore Ninson;
and Scott Marshall.
Kudos to the Board of Directors for
another job well done, including Amanda
Doria, Alex Jamison, Charlene Greenberg,
Alison Kurtzman, MaryEllen Pierce and
everyone behind the scenes unintentionally
For information on this and future productions
call 610-322-8498 or visit www.
As always, save me a seat on the aisle.
Courtesy of Royal Star Theatre