Flamenco LIC
dazzles with
breathtaking dances
Th e mainstage is bare. Th e house is dark. And then
suddenly — lights!
Th e dancers and singers sweep onstage. Th eir prideful
swagger mysteriously combines with anguished
loneliness. Th eir heads are tilted backward in feigned
arrogance. Bright roses adorn their hair. Th ey look
directly into the audience with mesmerizing effi ciency.
Th eir fi ngers snap as wooden castanets click again and
again. Olé, Olé!
Th e American Bolero Dance Company (ABDC) has
returned, led by the internationally renowned director/
dancer/designer Gabriela Granados. Th is autumn’s
production is “Flamenco LIC,” presented at Secret
Th eatre.
Th e legendary José Molina’s legacy is the theme.
Granados recites a beautiful Spanish poem. Th e mood
of the evening has been set.
Every segment highlights a diff erent aspect of fl amenco.
Th e fandango, “caracoles,” soleas and several
more styles meet the audience’s approval. Th e singers
off er powerfully haunting rhythms as hands clap ceaselessly
and musicians attack their instruments with passion.
But it is the dancing that truly dominates the evening.
A breathtaking solo by José Moreno is unequaled.
Th e stage barely withstands the unforgiving pounding.
Each performer is a glorious tribute to the memory
of Molina, an international fl amenco legend. Just
a few of the night’s shining stars are dancers Sol
“La Argentinita,” Anna de la Paz, Debra Anich and
Adriana Jacinto. Th e singers include Aurora Reyes
and La Conja. Some of the featured musicians are
Basilio Georges, Raphael Brunn, William Hobbs and
Guillermo Barron. Kudos to behind-the-scenes support
and others onstage inadvertently omitted.
For information on this program and other projects
by the American Bolero Dance Company including
their acclaimed dancing schools, visit www.ambolero.
com, call 718-392-3840 or check social media.
As always, save me a seat on the aisle.
Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association to honor civic leaders
The Woodhaven Residents’ Block
Association will honor three civic leaders
at its 48th Annual Fundraiser Dinner
Dance on Oct. 25 at Roma View Catering.
“We’re very excited to celebrate this year
with truly deserving honorees. When you
come out to this party, which doubles as
a fundraiser for the WRBA, you are helping
support the block association’s work
for the community, so we hope to see
you there,” said WRBA President Stephen
Every year the WRBA chooses a man,
woman and business who align with the
group’s mission of civic volunteer work.
Th e association picked Deputy Inspector
Courtney B. Nilan, Commanding Offi cer
of the 102nd Precinct, as Woodhaven
Woman of the Year. Nilan stepped into
her role as commanding offi cer of the
102nd Precinct at the end of 2017.
Last year, in her previous role as deputy
inspector, Nilan was honored for
her work combating animal cruelty in
the Rockaways through her work in the
102nd Precinct. Nilan helped build the
Neighborhood Coordination Officer
Program, which is dedicated to protecting
the lives of animals within the command.
Th e association has chosen Kenichi
“Kenny” Wilson — the chairman of
Community Board 9 and president of
the Board of Directors of the Queens
Symphony Orchestra — as Woodhaven
Man of the Year.
Wilson began his stint as chairperson
in April this year. Immediately aft er his
election, he was faced with the responsibility
of leading the community board
through the process of weighing the borough
based jail proposal. Th e board ultimately
voted 28-0 for a resolution opposing
the jail.
Th e association chose M&M Hardwares
at 94-04 Jamaica Ave. as Business of the
Year. Th e hardware store is owned by
Jack Moy.
Tickets for adults and children ages 12
and older are available for $75, and tickets
for children cost $35. Tickets include
a full buff et dinner with soda, beer and
wine. Th e event will go from 7 to 11 p.m.
Photos provided by 102nd Precinct/Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association
Capt. Courtney B. Nilan (l.) and CB9 Chair Kenichi Wilson.