Richmond Hill Sikh community
mourns slain Texas Sikh sheriff
Members of the Sikh Cultural Society in
Richmond Hill were joined by community
leaders Wednesday night for a candlelight
vigil in remembrance of a Texas Sikh police
offi cer who was shot to death on Sept. 27.
“Th e Sikh community is very deeply hurt
because we are very proud that one Sikh man
who wears the turban and beard was protecting
others,” said Gurdev Singh Kang, of the
New York City Human Rights Commission,
in front of the tri-state area’s oldest and largest
Sikh temple at 95-30 118th St.
Harris County Deputy Sheriff Sandeep
Dhaliwal, 42, who was on the force for 10
years, was shot in the back of the head following
a routine traffi c stop in Houston,
according to reports. Th e suspect, Robert
Solis, 47, who had a warrant for his arrest
on parole violations, was arrested on
charges of capitol murder.
Dhaliwal became a trailblazer when he
gained national attention in 2015 when the
Harris County Sheriff ’s Offi ce allowed him
to wear his traditional turban and keep
his beard in accordance with the Sikh religion
— the fi ft h largest religion, founded
in the 15th century in the Indian region of
Punjab, with a following of more than 20
million people worldwide.
Dhaliwal received a ceremonial tribute
on Oct. 2, which included a procession,
two funeral services and a law enforcement
memorial with a 21-gun salute from fellow
offi cers and a helicopter fl yover. Dhaliwal
leaves behind his wife and three children.
Following his death, the Sikh community
and religious leaders remembered
Dhaliwal as a hero, and also paid tribute to
Bronx police offi cer Brian Mulkeen, who
died in a case of friendly fi re while trying
to arrest an armed man on Sept. 29.
“We are here gathering today to pay our
respect and memory of their loved ones
who protect us when anything happens in
the city,” said Kang. “Th e Sikh community,
Pakistani community, and the Guyanese
community; regardless of where we come
from, every New Yorker, we are remembering
all of our loved ones.”
“Th e Sikh community is going to be
standing with their families and we appreciate
it today — the representation of our
elected offi cials, the NYPD and media who
are here because this shows regardless of
what color we are, what religion we are,
what language we speak, we here are all the
same. We pray to god they rest in peace,”
Kang added.
Th ey’re also calling for strict gun control
across the nation.
“Any person who goes to work, whether
they are a police offi cer or not, we expect
them to come back home, but it’s sad
because Offi cer Brian and Sheriff Dhaliwal
didn’t make it. Th ey were killed by not any
ordinary person, but by a criminal,” a Sikh
Members of the Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill recite a special prayer for slain Texas Deputy Sheriff Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal.
member said. “I request and pray, and say
let’s get together to the capital, do not let
these criminals out on the streets because
they will kill. We lost two offi cers and it’s a
big loss for their families, the community
and the country.”
State Assemblyman David Weprin, who
represents the Richmond Hill community,
off ered his condolences and prayers,
while also noting the importance of the
passage of the historic Religious Garb Bill
(S.04037/A.4204), which was signed by
Gov. Andrew Cuomo in August and will
take eff ect Oct. 9.
Gurdev Singh Kang (l.) of the New York City Human Rights Commission
“As you all know we’ve been fi ghting for
Sikh police offi cers in uniform, employees
with turbans and beards for many
years and the governor signed that bill
which prohibits employment discrimination
based on religious attire, clothing or
facial hair,” Weprin said. “We don’t know
the nature of this murder of the deputy
sheriff , and we’ll assume it’s not a hate
crime; but unfortunately, when we have a
Sikh murder or Muslim murder or other
people, the fi rst thought is oft en a hate
crime because hate crimes are on the rise
in the United States and right here in New
Photos by Carlotta Mohamed/QNS
York state.”
Albert Baldeo, a community advocate
and civil rights lawyer, is calling for public
education in all New York City schools
and institutions on the culture and religion
of Sikhism.
“Th is we condemn and it has got to
stop,” Baldeo said. “Th is happens too oft en
in our community.We’ve got to demand
protection for the tax dollars we pay. We
deserve the respect as American citizens
and our children have died and fought for
America at the highest level. We are no less
American than anyone else.”
A photo of Deputy Sheriff Sandeep Singh (l.) Dhaliwal shared at the vigil,
who is being hailed as a hero for his kindness and service dedicated to
protecting the community of Harris County near Houston, TX.