kids & education
Success Academy opens its fi rst Queens
middle school location in St. Albans
edavenport@qns.com / @QNS
A new middle school opened its doors
in Queens last week, just in time for the
beginning of the school year.
Success Academy, which operates charter
Queens real estate fi rm hands out backpacks
with school supplies to families in Jamaica
edavenport@qns.com / @QNS
One of the borough’s largest landlords
and providers of aff ordable housing
went to Jamaica to help those in
need start the school year off right with
a free backpack full of supplies.
On Aug. 24, Zara Realty went to
Jamaica to distribute backpacks to
southeast Queens families. Offi cials
from the company were joined by state
Assemblyman David Weprin to hand
out backpacks fi lled with school supplies
such as composition books, rulers,
pencils, crayons, notebooks and pads.
“Back-to-school means new teachers,
new friends and new classrooms, but it
also means new expenses for families,”
said Anthony Subraj of Zara Realty.
“We live in an expensive city and for
many families in our southeast Queens
community, making ends meet at this
time of year is diffi cult. We hope these
backpacks and school supplies can go a
little way towards easing that burden.”
In addition to receiving the free
supplies, children and their families
enjoyed food, music, face painting and
Zara Realty still has about 600 backpacks
to give out before the school year
begins. For more information, call 718-
“It was so rewarding to see so many
smiling faces, as kids dug through their
new backpacks to see what supplies they
had,” said Amir Sobhraj, of Zara Realty.
“We look forward to giving out the
rest of the supplies and to helping even
more families in Jamaica prepare for the
coming school year.” Photo courtesy of Zara Realty
schools throughout New York City,
opened the middle school in St. Albans on
Aug. 20. Th is middle school, located at 132-
55 Ridgedale St., marks Success Academy’s
fi rst middle school location in the borough.
Th e new middle school with serve students
from fi ft h to eighth grade. Just
like at Success Academy’s other middle
schools, students will engage in a rich
and rigorous curriculum that will develop
independence and self-motivation
throughout their four years at the school.
Since opening their fi rst school in 2006,
Success Academy has had a dual mission
of advancing education reform in
America and providing world-class academics
to students, regardless of their
ZIP code or background. Th e Success
Academy network is now the size of New
York’s seventh-largest school district,
serving 17,000 students in 47 schools.
Th is middle school location is the
fourth Success Academy school to open
in Queens. In 2014, Success Academy
opened two K-4 schools, one in Rosedale
and the other in Springfi eld Gardens, and
in 2016 they opened another K-4 school
in South Jamaica.
For more information, visit the Success
Academy website at successacademies.
org. Photo: Google Maps