Photo by Carlotta Mohamed/QNS
Board 7 slams proposed 24-unit College Point building
Plans to build a new apartment complex
in College Point received opposition from
some residents who live in the neighborhood
voicing concerns of pedestrian and
traffi c congestion.
A group of College Point residents and
Community Board 7 members on Monday
night rejected the developer’s request to
construct a three-story, 10-unit residential
building at 6-05 129th St. on an overgrown
lot located partially in the bed of a mapped
unbuilt portion of Sixth Avenue, contrary
to City Law Section 35 in an R3-2/R3-1
zoning district.
6-05 129th St. via Google Maps
“Years ago the city created maps and they
had an idea of where streets were going
to go. Th rough the years they thought
they would build those streets,” said Eric
Palatnik, a lawyer representing the property
owner. “In this case, they put a map
down over Powell’s Cove Boulevard and
Sixth Avenue runs through the property,
but the owner can’t build on it because the
city has a map and the map says a street is
supposed to be there.”
Under the General City Law, if the city
has no intention of building a street, the
property owner can request permission
from the city to build a development on it,
according to Palatnik.
Originally slated to be a 45-foot-tall
structure with 24-units, building adjustments
were made following a meeting
with the Community Board 7 Land Use
Committee and residents’ concerns of the
development in the rural neighborhood.
“Th e apartment building is 10-units,
a mix of one- to two-bedroom units,”
Palatnik said. “It’s down from 24 units
and it’s not covering anywhere near the
amount of lot coverage. It’s leaving a backyard
of about 123 feet, the front yard of
15 feet with twice as much parking, and
10,000 square feet smaller as it’s allowed
to be.”
However, residents who live on the
block refused to welcome the idea of a new
apartment building that they say will cause
a disruption in the quiet residential area.
“I appreciate the developer working with
us with concerns about parking, sanitation,
the beauty of the building and all,
but it’s still out of context with the block,”
said Robert Gonzalez, who lives across the
street from the property. “It’s just going to
bring a density to the block. We’re worried
that it’s going to spread to other
lots. Th ere’s a lot next door where a fi re
occurred at a house and we’re wondering
what’s going to happen to that.”
Michael Niebauer, president of the
College Point Civic and Taxpayer’s
Association, said the development is simply
“out of character” for the community.
“Th e beauty of College Point is one- to
two-family homes,” said Niebauer. “We
have to protect the quality of life in College
Point. I want to keep it a residential area
but whatever the neighbors want I’ll go
with it because they’re the ones that are
being impacted directly. Right now as it
stands, I don’t think it could be approved.”
In her speech to the board and the developer,
Eileen McGuirk, said the multi-family
rental dwelling will bring an unwanted
urban environment.
“Th ere are beautiful one-, two-, and
three-family homes all owned by landlords,
some of whom emigrated from Italy,
Greece, China, Germany, Spain, Korea
and Columbia, who made the lifelong
decision and chose to live away from
the urban, busy congested neighborhoods
such as Astoria or Long Island City,” said
McGuirk. “Please take no off ense to those
areas; I was born and raised in Astoria
then moved to College Point in 1978, 41
years ago. It’s just not appropriate in a
neighborhood existing of only homeowners
who are grateful to live the American
dream with a rural comfortable, safe and
quiet neighborhood.”
McGuirk also stressed the fact that the
proposed development will be located one
block from P.S. 129, which is scheduled to
have over 500 more students in September
“Traffi c is horrendous now: just ask
the homeowners, teachers and parents
who live and come here. 129th Street
and Sixth Avenue is an intersection not
equipped for increased motor vehicle traffi
c,” said McGuirk. “Also expect illegal
U-turns each day with at least 10 to 20
vehicles used the renters. Don’t forget visitors,
deliveries, vans, mail and sanitation
trucks who are required to back down the
little dead-end street, which is unsafe for
Following the presentation and discussion,
CB 7 member Chuck Apelian, along
with other board members voted against
the proposal.
“At the end of the day if BSA can understand
this then maybe I’ll say yes. But let
me tell you something: I can’t vote yes
tonight because I don’t know what I’m voting
on … I don’t know where the street is,”
Apelian said. “Th ere’s landmarked properties.
We’re still not getting straight answers
and I don’t want it to be on us or me saying
we voted yes and fi nd out that something
is wrong, so I’m going to vote no.”
Community Board 7 members debated a proposed 24-unit College Point building on June 17.