Meng legislation promotes teaching of Asian Pacifi c American history
In an eff ort to help combat
continued bigotry and
hate against Asian Americans,
Congresswoman Grace Meng
announced on Tuesday, May 4,
that she is reintroducing legislation
to promote the teaching
and learning of Asian Pacifi c
American history in schools
across the United States.
Th e Teaching Asian Pacifi c
American History Act (H.R.
2283) seeks to provide an understanding
of the history, contributions
and experiences of Asian
Pacifi c Americans to help eliminate
the discrimination and prejudice
that the Asian American
community has been forced to
endure not just over the past
year, but for decades. Th ese
teachings include the many critical
achievements and vast contributions
that those of Asian
and Pacifi c Islander descent
have made to the U.S., and the
struggles and racism that has
long been directed toward Asian
Pacifi c Americans.
For generations, according to
Meng, Asian Pacifi c American
history has been poorly represented
or excluded from the
K-12 education system and
social studies textbooks.
“Asian Pacifi c American history
is an integral part of American
history, and this must be refl ected
in what our children learn
in school. Asian Americans have
always been seen as invisible or
as foreigners,” Meng said. “We
have grown up with people questioning
whether we’re American
enough, and we’ve endured slurs
and jokes about our appearance
and our food. And even if we
were raised or born here, many
still tell us to ‘go back to our
country,’ and make ignorant and
xenophobic remarks such as telling
us that we speak English well.”
Th e Teaching Asian Pacifi c
American History Act would
require grant applications from
Presidential and Congressional
Academies to include Asian
Pacifi c American history as part
of their American history and
civics programs off ered to students
and teachers.
Meng’s legislation would also
encourage the inclusion of Asian
Pacifi c American history in national
and state tests administered
through the National Assessment
of Educational Progress, and
promote collaboration with the
Smithsonian Institution’s Asian
Pacifi c American Center to develop
innovative programming
regarding Asian Pacifi c American
Meng’s bill is pending before
the House Committee on
Education and Labor. Th e congresswoman
is also an original
cosponsor of the Black History
is American History Act (H.R.
1394), a similar measure introduced
by Rep. Joyce Beatty
(D-OH) that aims to promote
the teaching of Black history in
Bill to end the ‘puppy mill pipeline’ advances in Senate
Legislation to combat the “puppy mill
pipeline” was advanced in the state Senate
to improve the health and safety of domestic
Th e bill, authored by state Senator
Michael Gianaris, establishes a ban on the
sale of puppy mill animals, pets that are
oft en bred under inhumane conditions for
the purpose of retail sale.
“With so many good animals in need of
rescue, there is no need for puppy mills
that abuse animals to supply pet stores,”
Gianaris said. “Our four-legged companions
should be treated with respect, not
like commodities.”
Most of the animals available for sale
in pet stores come from notorious dog,
cat and bunny mills, which are known
to be inhumane, according to Gianaris.
Off spring of mill animals oft en have congenital
issues resulting from poor breeding
and can cost families thousands of
dollars in veterinary care.
Pet breeders and stores are loosely regulated
under the Animal Welfare Act
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Recent investigations revealed, however,
that under the Trump administration,
USDA inspectors became less aggressive
in enforcing regulations. In addition, the
USDA issued fewer serious violations that
would ordinarily trigger swift follow-ups
by the agency.
“When you see that adorable dog, a
purring kitten or cuddly bunny in the pet
store window, think twice before purchasing
it,” state Senator Toby Ann Stavisky
said. “Many of these animals were raised
in deplorable and abusive conditions. I
commend Senator Michael Gianaris for
sponsoring this legislation, which I cosponsored,
that would prohibit their sale
in pet stores. Th ese puppy mills raise the
pets under terrible conditions so that
when the store sells the pet, it oft en has
underlying health issues.”
Th e legislation clarifi es the defi nition
of the crime of aggravated cruelty to
animals, enacts a property inspection
requirement to check for abandoned animals
and ensures that the best interest of
pets is considered during divorce or separation
proceedings. Th e legislation also
aims to curb animal abuse and mistreatment
of animals throughout the state.
“Having one of the country’s highest
concentrations of pet stores that sell puppies,
New York state needs to end the
sale of cruelly bred puppy mill dogs in
pet shops by fi nally passing the New
York Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill,” ASPCA
President and CEO Matt Bershadker said.
“Shutting down the puppy mill pipeline
will help stop unscrupulous breeders from
engaging in, and profi ting from, unconscionable
Bershadker added that passage in the
Assembly would signal New York’s determination
to reject animal cruelty statewide.
“Once again, the state Senate has done
the right thing. Th ey’ve taken action by
passing the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline
bill,” NYS Animal Protection Federation
Executive Director Libby Post said.
“Th ere’s no one else to speak up for companion
animals except human beings who
care about them. Puppy mills are horrible,
female dogs are bred until they can
no longer produce. Th en they are killed.
Puppies are ordered off a menu of options,
shipped across the country without care
and then sold to unsuspecting consumers
who many times take home dogs that are
sick and don’t survive. Th is is not humane.
We will continue to speak out until the
Assembly passes and the governor signs
the bill.”
Photo courtesy of ASPCA
State Senator Michael Gianaris announced that
his legislation to ban retail sales of puppies and
other animals at pet stores passed in the upper
File photo by Gabriele Holtermann
Congresswoman Grace Meng is reintroducing the Teaching Asian Pacifi c American History Act.