State Senate passes bill that ups
penalties for unlicensed drivers
editorial@qns.com / @QNS
Aft er an 8-year-old Woodside boy was
struck and killed by a truck while walking
to school in 2013, state Senator Michael
Gianaris introduced legislation to further
Police investigate an oil truck that killed a 13-year-old Ridgewood boy in Brooklyn in January.
Photo via Google Maps
penalize drivers who cause similar
The driver, Mauricio Osorio-
Palominos, was driving without a license
when he killed Noshat Nahian. Under
current law, he could only be charged
with a misdemeanor. Gianaris’s bill
would have strengthened penalties but it
did not pass the state Legislature.
Since then, more people in Gianaris’
district have been injured or killed by
drivers with suspended or revoked licenses.
In January 2018, 13-year-old Ridgewood
resident Kevin Flores was killed by a driver
operating an oil truck while riding his
bike. Th e truck driver was operating the
vehicle with a suspended license and also
had three prior arrests, including a July
2017 assault arrest for allegedly stabbing
an individual in the arm.
Following Flores’ death, Gianaris re-introduced
the bill and on April 16, it
7-story mixed use building set to rise in Elmhurst
editorial@qns.com / @QNS
A new seven-story building will
rise at the former site of a one-story
Elmhurst building that used
to operate as an auto repair shop
since 1954 and was demolished
in 2016.
Located at 91-23 Corona Ave.,
Apollo Development Group is
planning a seven-story structure
for the site that includes 35 apartments
and commercial space.
Th e residential space will measure
28,497 square feet while 4,486
square feet will be designated for
commercial use, according to permits
fi led with the Department of
In addition, the new building
will include a parking garage
with space for 23 cars, YIMBY
fi rst reported. Th e surrounding
buildings are comprised of mostly
low-rise, mixed-use structures.
A United Pentecostal Church is
located next door and the site is
near the E, M and R Elmhurst
Avenue subway station.
The Flushing-based Tan
Architect fi rm is responsible for
the design.
A seven-story structure is set to rise in Elmhurst.
passed unanimously in the Senate. Th e
bill makes it a class E felony to seriously
injure a person while driving with a suspended,
revoked or no license and a class
D felony to kill someone while driving
with a suspended, revoked or no license.
“My dearest friend Kevin Flores was
killed and had an amazing future ahead
of him,” said Neyfa Philogene, a seventh
grade classmate of Flores’ at Launch
Expeditionary Learning Charter School.
“It is really an honor that this bill was
passed to honor not only him but the
children that have been killed in car
crashes. Th is shows a lot of love. We
loved Kevin and miss him, so thank you
once again.”
According to Gianaris, most drivers
who are convicted of second-degree
vehicular assault rarely face jail time.
Phillip Monfoletto, the man who killed
Flores, had nine license suspensions on
his record and still continued to drive.
Gianaris said he also mocked “the leniency
of our laws” in a Facebook post.
“I am pleased the Senate passed this
important proposal, which is the fi rst step
towards delivering justice for families victimized
by reckless motorists. Th ese dangerous
drivers continue to kill because
the current punishment does not fi t the
crime,” Gianaris said. “We must get serious
about strengthening our laws before
another life is lost at the hands of drivers
Photo by Mari Estrella
who should not be behind the wheel.”
Th e bill must pass the Assembly before
it is delivered to the governor and signed
into law.
Inaugural Queens Power
List highlights boro’s
most infl uential people
editorial@qns.com / @QNS
A long-standing tradition of feting people of excellence is
coming to Queens.
Th e Long Island Press Power List, which this year celebrated
its 15th “crystal” anniversary on April 12 with a gala
at the Mansion at Oyster Bay, is heading west.
Th is September, Th e Queens Courier and QNS.com will
be paying tribute to its very own “Power List.” Th ere will
be months of painstaking internal deliberations that will
go into determining who will be on Th e Queens Power List
this year. Only the truly infl uential make it, as we will convene
a committee to decide.
Th e inaugural event will take place at Terrace on the Park
from 6 to 9 p.m. on Sept. 20.
Look to QNS.com and schnepscommunicationsevents.
com to learn more in the coming weeks. For more information,
call Amy Amato at 718-224-5863, ext. 201.