NYPD chief joins Queens officials to inform Asian
community about safety resources in Flushing
In light of the staggering increase
in Asian American hate crimes, NYPD
Community Aff airs Chief Jeff rey Maddrey
joined Councilman Peter Koo and Queens
Borough President Donovan Richards on a
walkthrough tour of Flushing on Wednesday,
April 14, to talk to local business
owners and residents addressing the issues
facing the Asian American community.
During a press conference outside the
Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, Koo explained
that business owners and residents
alike needed to know that the NYPD cares
about the community’s concerns.
“Th ey want to stop the Asian hate crimes,
and they want to be part of the solution,”
Koo said.
Koo reported that local businesses
have been the victims of harassment,
bias crimes and racist messages like “kill
Chinese.” Koo wants to make sure that
the Flushing business community – many
of them “mom and pop” stores – has the
information it needs to stay safe.
“Th e police cannot solve all these problems
on their own. Th e police have to be
part of the solution. Our local merchants
need to know that the police are here to
help. Th ey need to know how to report bias
incidents and hate crimes,” Koo said.
NYPD Chief of Community Aff airs Jeffrey
Maddrey emphasized that the NYPD
supported the Flushing community and
that no one should endure or be subjected
to racist attacks, reminding everyone that
New York City was much better than that.
Th e NYPD chief urged all communities
to stand against hate and violence and that
the hatred needed to stop.
“We’re here to strengthen those partnerships
today. And we’re going to go around
here to visit the community with Community
Aff airs members of the 109th Precinct,
members of the mayor’s offi ce, and our
elected offi cials to say that we’re standing
in solidarity,” Maddrey said.
Richards pointed out that Queens
NYPD Community Aff airs Chief Jeff rey Maddrey (c.) joined Councilman Peter Koo (l.) and Queens Borough President Donovan Richards (r.) on a
walkthrough tour of Flushing.
county is the most diverse county in the
“We believe in building bridges, not
walls. We break down walls here in Queens
County because we understand that our
diversity is our strength,” Richards said.
He reassured the Flushing community
that they had his support and encouraged
residents to report hate crimes to
“If you see anyone attacking anyone,
spreading hate, we need you to call it in.
Don’t hide. We need to make sure it’s
documented as well. And we need to make
sure our community-based organizations
are an essential part of this conversation
so that people feel that they have a voice
there as well,” the borough president said.
Accompanied by offi cers from the 109th
Precinct, Maddrey and elected offi cials
toured Flushing.Th e chief talked to some
business owners, letting them know that
they had a partner in the NYPD.He told
them not to be afraid to call the NYPD and
get in touch with the community aff airs
offi cers of the 109th Precinct.
“If you don’t call us and we’re not aware
that there’s an issue, we can’t send the resources.
Not only for that incident but even
for a follow-up. You have to let us know
what’s going on,” Maddrey explained to
Maxine, the owner of Maxine Noodles.
“We defi nitely learned to speak up, so
you’ll defi nitely hear from us,” Maxine
Ikhwan Rim, the owner of IM Jewelry
and radio host of NY Radio Korea, shared
that one of his listeners asked him how they
should react if they were attacked.
Maddrey advised that the fi rst option
Photo by Gabriele Holtermann
should always be to walk away and call for
help, and if possible, to record the incident.
However, both Maddrey and Richards
said that safety should always be a priority.
Captain O’Connell, commanding offi cer
of the 109th Precinct, added that people
shouldn’t stress recording an incident.
“In today’s times, chances are there’s a
camera watching. Don’t stress out recording
yourself,” O’Connell said and recommended
calling 911 and remaining at the
location as long as it was safe.
“If you got to run out of there, just run
fi rst. Run to safety, call 911 and let the
police come and let them do their investigation,”
Maddrey said. “I always speak
against using violence and being physical.
I mean, if you have no choice if you’re in a
corner and you have to protect your life, of
course. But use safety fi rst.”