Five simple steps for satisfying spring cleaning
Th ere’s something calming about a
clean and tidy home. Particularly aft er
a dirt- and dust-busting spring cleaning
session, it can feel like a total reset for the
entire home. In fact, 90% of people feel
more relaxed when their home is clean,
and the positive feelings don’t stop there.
Th e 2021 Bona Spring Cleaning Poll
found a strong connection between positive
emotions and a clean home. When
asked how respondents feel when cleaning
the home, the top four responses were
productive, relieved, happy and peaceful.
And when prioritizing spring cleaning
to-do’s, the survey respondents placed
de-cluttering/organizing and fl oors at the
top of the list.
With spring cleaning in full swing, consider
channeling some of these positive
vibes. Here are a few tips for tackling these
top priorities so you can get back to enjoying
the budding spring.
Step 1: De-clutter then organize
Start by scanning the room and assess
if anything can be recycled or donated.
Clearing away clutter will immediately
make space for organizing and allow better
access for dusting and cleaning. When
possible, move items off the fl oor to allow
for easier cleaning.
Step 2: Clean top to bottom
Start with the tops of bookcases, ceiling
fans and tables, then work your way down
to the fl oor. During the de-cluttering process,
you may have moved around books
or pictures so be sure to dust or clean all
the surface areas.
Step 3: Dust the fl oors
Prior to cleaning any hard-surface fl oor
(from hardwood to laminate), it’s important
to fi rst remove dust, pet hair and
debris with a microfi ber mop. Vacuums
are great for carpet and sometimes for
laminate, but be careful on hardwood or
luxury vinyl surfaces as the extra weight
and wheels of the vacuum can scuff or
damage the fl oor.
Step 4: Clean the right way
Clean fl oors with a cleaning solution
formulated for that surface. Make it easy
by using an all-in-one spray mop and
microfi ber cleaning pad. For hardwood
fl oors, consider a solution with extra
cleaning power like the Bona PowerPlus
Hardwood Floor Deep Cleaner which has
an oxygenated formula that loosens and
removes heavy dirt build-up, providing a
deep, powerful clean. Avoid DIY vinegar
solutions or steaming hardwood fl oors
since both can damage the fi nish, leaving
it looking dull and cloudy.
For sealed, hard-surface fl oors like
stone, tile, laminate or vinyl, try Bona’s
PowerPlus Antibacterial Hard-Surface
Floor Cleaner. Th is ready-to-use antibacterial
cleaner is uniquely formulated
to powerfully clean, eff ortlessly remove
stubborn stains, and kill household germs
when used as directed.
Step 5: Add something special
Now that the space is de-cluttered and
cleaned, add something extra special to
complete that satisfi ed feeling. An extra
bright throw pillow, new space organizer
or simply a vase of fresh fl owers can go a
long way to bringing happiness into your
tidied space.
Spring cleaning doesn’t just make your
home look great, it can help you feel good,
too. Th ese fi ve simple steps will make it
easy to organize your space and clean
your hard-surface fl ooring the right way
so you can enjoy your house to the fullest.
— Courtesy of BPT