Blau Weiss Gottschee kicks off spring season
Over the weekend, the Blau Weiss
Gottschee (BWG) 2005 club team traveled
to open their Spring Season playing
in the quarterfi nal round of the New York
State Cup game against FC Westchester at
SUNY Purchase.
In a dramatic game that went into
overtime, the BWG squad secured a 4-2
win, and advance to the semifi nals. Th e
Gottschee boys took a 2 - 0 lead, but the
aggressive FC Westchester side was able
to tie the game and force overtime.
With one goal in each period of the
overtime, the BWG boys won and
advanced to the next round.
Th e younger developmental academies
played against the former NASL team, the
New York Cosmos. Th e U12 Blue won
12-1, while the U12 White won 6-5. Th e
U13 team lost 4-2, but the U14s won 4-2
Th e older developmental academies
played against the MLS academy teams
from Montreal - Canada, the Montreal
Impact. Th e U15 team lost 2-1, and the U17
and U19 squads played to scoreless draws.
Finally, the U16 pre-academy team won
their game over Cedar Stars - Monmouth
Another medal-winning performance for St. Margaret/RA Flyers
Young runners from the St. Margaret/
bantam Luke Minervia for the 600 meter
Resurrection Ascension Flyers brought
run; and novice Gavin Walsh for his 600
home numerous medals during their
meter run.
most recent track meet on March 18.
Taking home the bronze were peewee
Gold medal recipients included senior
Jaiden Maxine for his long jump. Also
Ricky Hubert and junior Christian
receiving third place was junior Gavin
Audrin, who won their divisions of the
Walsh for his 800 meter run; junior
600 meter race. Novice Caroline Gordon
Andrew Kelly for his 300 meter run; and
brought home the gold for her 300 meter
bantam Matthew Gordon for his 600
run, while bantam Olaia Higgins earned
meter run.
the gold for a 300 meter run. Finally,
Receiving bronze for fourth place was
Th omas Fischer earned the gold medal in
bantam Madeline Mauceri and peewee
the long jump.
Lawrence Paguay for their long jumps.
Receiving silver medals were peewee
Also earning bronzes for their 300
Emily Pedicini for her long jump and
meter runs were senior Kacper Niepojok;
peewee Dia Healing for her 55 meter
bantams Anthony Pedicini and Matthew
dash. Other silver medalists were bantam
Gordon; and novices Finn Healing and
Sebastian Audrin for his 300 meter run;
Ethan Joseph.
Photo by Ovid Cusu
The BWG 2005 squad.