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Elmhurst Hospital receives donation of 100,000 KN95 masks
More desperately needed Personal
Protection Equipment was delivered
Friday to Elmhurst Hospital, which was
overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19
patients over the last two weeks.
Working in partnership with
Councilman Francisco Moya and Apollo
Global Management co-founder Josh
Harris are donating 10,000 KN95 face
masks, with another 90,000 masks to be
donated by the fi rm next week.
“Health care professionals are on the
front lines of this crisis. Th ey didn’t just
sign up for the good days or easy days.
Th ey signed up to save lives, and we
need to make sure they’re able to suit
up for that fi ght,” Moya said. “Th e people
at Apollo are true New Yorkers who
have stepped up in a big way, led by Josh
Harris, to support the courageous doctors,
nurses and hospital staff . Knowing
that we haven’t reached the apex of this
fi ght, it’s imperative that together we make
every, big and small, to get those on the
frontline the armor they need to stay in
the fi ght.”
Th e community surrounding Elmhurst
Hospital has been the hardest hit during
the coronavirus crisis, according to city
“All of us at Apollo have been inspired
by the numerous acts of extraordinary
heroism we’ve witnessed at Elmhurst
Hospital in recent days and we will continue
to do everything we can to be a
meaningful part of the response to the
global pandemic,” Harris said. “We deeply
appreciate the crucial role that Council
member Moya played in arranging for us
to provide this assistance and the bold
and eff ective actions the entire Elmhurst
Hospital team has taken to meet this
unprecedented challenge.”
Elmhurst Hospital CEO Israel Rocha
reached out to Moya to request help with
the facility’s shortage of personal protective
“On behalf of our patients and healthcare
providers, I want to thank Apollo
Global Management, Josh Harris and
Council Member Moya for their generous
donation of KN95 masks to help us
provide patient care during this unprecedented
pandemic,” Rocha said. “Th e outpouring
of support we have received from
community members and our elected offi -
cials has been truly inspiring and has
warmed our hertz at this very diffi cult
time. Th e generosity of Apollo Global
Management will directly arm our workers
with the safety protection they need
to continue fi ghting this disease and saving
Little distinguishes KN95 masks from
N95 masks beyond marginally diff erent
factory standards. Th e Centers for Disease
Control identifi ed the KN95 as a “suitable
alternative” to the N95 mask, which is
certifi ed by the U.S. National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health.
Courtesy of Moya’s offi ce
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