New York City Department of Education
Notice of Disclosure of Directory Information
Dear Parent/Guardian, Current or Former Student:
The NYC Department of Education (DOE) is helping the NYC Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene begin a research study. The research study is about health and educational impacts of
the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster on students. The study will include students in school during and after 9/11.
DOE will give information about parents, guardians, former students and current students to
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that protects the privacy and confidentiality
of students. The law allows DOE to share student directory information, which includes the information listed
below. You have a chance to say you do not want DOE to share your directory information.
Whose information will DOE be sharing? DOE will share information about students in certain areas that
were enrolled in school at the time of September 11, 2001 or those first enrolled by 2006-2007. The areas are:
Lower Manhattan
Upper West Side, Manhattan
Dear Parent/Guardian, Current or Former Student:
The New York City Department of Education (DOE) is helping the New York City Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene (Health Department) begin a research study. The research study is about health and educational impacts of the
9/11 World Trade Center disaster on students. The study will include students in school during and after 9/11. DOE will
give information about parents, guardians, former students and current student to the Health Department.
Northwest Brooklyn
Sunset Park, Brooklyn
Flushing, Queens
What directory information will be shared? DOE will share:
Student, parent and guardian names
Parent/guardian relationship to student
Phone number, email & home address history
Student’s sex and date of birth
Whether student was born inside NYC or NY State
Spoken and written language(s)
Any schools/educational institutions of enrollment
Enrollment time periods
Who will receive the directory information and how will it be used? will receive
the information. Contractors will be hired to help conduct the research study, and the
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) may receive the information. No one else will have access to the
information. Contractors will help get updated contact information by searching various records available to
them. NSC may help get updated school information on students after high school. will
use the information to reach out to individuals to learn if they want to be a part of the research study.
How will your information be protected? DOE and the Health Department will have written agreements to require
those who get the information to protect and secure it. Individuals will not be allowed to sell, use, or share the
information for any advertising, marketing, commercial purposes, or for any purpose besides for the research study.
Do nothing: you or your child’s directory information will be shared with .
Fill out this form if you do not want your directory information or your child’s directory information to
be shared with the Health Department,and and return return it it by by February February 1,15, 2019 2019 to:
What do you need to do?
I DO NOT WANT Directory Information to be shared with .
Student’s First Name: Student’s Last Name:
School (current or last school attended): Student Date of Birth & Student ID Number (if known)
Parent/Guardian Printed Name: Signature–students age 18 and over must sign for themselves:
Attn: 9/11 Opt Outs Room 310
New York City Department of Education, 52 Chambers St New York, NY 10007
—Return by February 15, 2019 if you do not want to share your or your child’s directory information—