Protect the world’s children this holiday season
The holidays signal a time for family
gatherings, traditions and the
spirit of giving. Make this holiday
season even more meaningful by
giving gift s that help children in need
around the globe.
According to UNICEF, around 15,000
children die every day from preventable
diseases. In over 190 countries, the
organization’s staff ers are in the fi eld
working through war zones, natural
disasters and disease outbreaks, doing
whatever it takes to save children’s
This holiday season, you can join
the charge by choosing gift s that give
With Inspired Gift s, you can provide
supplies in the name of a loved one that
get delivered directly to children who
need it most. Just $19 can provide polio
vaccines to protect 100 children from
the deadly disease.
Additional life-saving and lifechanging
options including food
packets, educational materials and
menstrual hygiene kits can be found
at unicefusa.org/HolidayInspired.
If you are looking for stocking
stuff ers and unique fi nds, UNICEF Market
has a vast collection of handcraft ed
items made by artisans from around
the world.
From blankets woven in India to recycled
glass pitchers craft ed in Mexico
and more, these gift s help support the
artisans and their families, keep traditional
skills alive and give back to
essential programs for children. Start
checking off your wish lists at unicefusa.
As part of Louis Vuitton’s
#MakeAPromise pledge, a specially
designed product line of Silver Lockits
is available, helping to protect children
who have been exposed to diseases,
natural disasters and other confl icts
that threaten their safety and wellbeing.
$100-$250 of each purchase go
to programs that help children most
in need.
Find out more at louisvuitton.com/
This year, Garnier USA will donate $1
to UNICEF USA for every Whole Blends
Holiday Kit sold through Dec. 31 with a
minimum donation of $300,000.
Each kit purchased helps educate
a child for up to one week, as it costs
around 15 cents to help educate one
child per day.
Learn more at garnierusa.com/
Vitamin A is important for strengthening
the immune system and preventing
childhood blindness.
Through Dec. 31, L’OCCITANE will
donate $3.95 for each Solidarity Soap
purchased to support UNICEF’s Vitamin
A supplementation programs
around the world.
Available in stores or at loccitane.
A holiday favorite since 1950, UNICEF
Greeting Cards can be purchased at
IKEA, select Hallmark Gold Crown(r)
stores and online at hallmark.com and
One hundred percent of the purchase
price of each pack from IKEA
will go to support the world’s most
vulnerable children.
UNICEF does not endorse any brand,
company, product, or service.
*No part of the purchase price is tax
— Courtesy of Family Features
Meaningful ways to give back to your community
With today’s busy and distracted lifestyles,
it can be diffi cult to fi nd ways to make a
diff erence to those less fortunate in the
However, today it is simpler than ever to give back,
and you do not have to alter your hectic routine to
make an impact.
If you want to make a diff erence with your shopping
dollars, look for retailers that give a percentage
of their profi ts to those in need.
For example, Walgreens gives 1 percent of sales
from participating vitamin products to nonprofi t
Vitamin Angels.
Through this partnership, undernourished
pregnant women and children under 5 receive
life-changing nutrients to combat the devastating
eff ects of malnutrition.
When customers purchase, they support Vitamin
Angels’ mission to improve child and maternal
health in the U.S. and around the world.
The partnership has already reached more than
200 million children and mothers throughout the
U.S. and worldwide with essential vitamins and
To learn more, visit www.walgreens.com/
Many retailers and grocery stores also provide
shoppers the opportunity to donate to causes when
they are at the checkout register.
With just a couple of extra clicks, you can opt to
add a small contribution to your total bill to provide
resources to a worthy cause.
You can get exercise and support a cause you care
about at the same time.
Several apps on the market allow you to donate to
your charity of choice for every mile you walk, run
or bike - the miles can even add up as you carry your
phone around all day.
All you have to do is download an app, create an account,
select your favorite charity and get moving.
You can also join organized walks and runs that suit
all fi tness levels to support your cause.
Turn it into a social event by rallying friends,
coworkers and family members to join you, or ask
them to sponsor you (and cheer you on) for each mile
Next time you join in on the Marie Kondo craze to
clear out your closets, consider sparking even more joy
by donating gently used items to a local nonprofi t.
Clothing and goods you no longer use can be
life-changing for those in need. Check before you
donate to make sure your charity of choice needs your
Some organizations will even come to your home at
no charge, making it even easier to give back.
With crammed schedules, it can seem like a big
commitment to volunteer, but today’s nonprofi ts off er
fl exible arrangements.
Most nonprofi ts welcome any level of assistance,
even one- time engagements or a couple of hours a
month. Contact a local nonprofi t you are interested in
to ask about volunteering opportunities.
Some employers will even allow you to use PTO (paid
time off ) for volunteering, so it’s worth asking your
employer’s HR department.
Making a diff erence with your dollars or giving your
time can feel great, and it can also be eff ortless. Find a
way to make a diff erence that works for you - and then
go for it! Even small actions can make a huge impact to
your community. — BPT