3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 KNIFED WIFE, WENT TO JOB Say Elmhurst Man Brutally Stabbed Spouse by Robert Pozarycki Detectives picked up an Elmhurst man last Thursday, Dec. 4, who allegedly killed his wife inside their home, then went off to work, it was reported. Law enforcement sources said the location reportedly shows the 47-year-old Luis Paguay suspect washing the victim’s repeatedly stabbed his spouse, blood off his shoes in a sink. 39-year-old Maria Paguay, “This is a devastating example sometime after last Wednesday of the horrors of domestic abuse,” night, Dec. 3; their 19-year-old Queens District Attorney Richard son found his mother’s body just A. Brown said in a statement last before 6 p.m. last Thursday. Friday, Dec. 5. Shortly after allegedly According to the charges, Luis committing the murder, Paguay used a large kitchen knife authorities allege, Luis Paguay to repeatedly stab Maria Paguay traveled to a Whitestone inside a basement apartment on restaurant, where he worked as a 50th Avenue between Dec. 3 and dishwasher; security cameras at 4 for reasons that remain unknown and under investigation. Shortly after the killing, police said, Luis Paguay allegedly wrote a suicide note in his wife’s name, then went to his workplace: Ducale Restaurant, located at 12- 53 150th St. in Whitestone. The couple’s 19-year-old son, upon returning home from school at 6 p.m. last Thursday, found Maria Paguay’s blood-covered body and called 911. Officers -SEE STABBED ON PG. 54- LPC Holds Off On Landmark Purge More Time For Long-Delayed Plans by Robert Pozarycki Amid an outcry from historians and preservationists across the city, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) postponed last Friday, Dec. 5, a plan to purge nearly 100 pending landmark applications, many of which have been inactive for decades. The LPC was to consider at its Dec. 9 issuing letters of “no action” for scores of inactive landmark applications for sites such as Bushwick’s St. Barbara’s Church, Long Island City’s Pepsi-Cola waterfront sign and the Old Calvary Cemetery Gatehouse and the Douglaston Gardens Historic District extension. After critics panned the proposed purge and the LPC’s failure to act on the delayed applications in a timely manner, LPC Chairperson Meenakshi Srinvasan announced last Friday the panel would put its own plans on ice for the time being. “In response to community requests for more time, the commission has decided not to proceed on Dec. 9 and take a pause to continue to consider feedback on aspects of the proposal,” Srinvasan said in a statement posted on the LPC’s website. “We remain committed to making the Landmarks Commission more effective and responsive in its work, and to clear a backlog of items that have sat idle for decades so that we can -SEE LANDMARK ON PG. 55- These Glendale Students Join Junior Honor Society Glendale’s P.S./I.S. 119 recently celebrated the annual induction ceremony of their eighth-grade students who were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Sixty-four students were recognized for maintaining high grade point averages and demonstrating excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, knowledge and character. Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: LLaatteesstt LLaannddmmaarrkk DDiissttrriicctt AApppprroovveedd.....................Pg. 1 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: LLoonngg--TTiimmee CCoommmmuunniittyy BBooaarrdd 22 CChhaaiirr RReettiirreess.........Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: Tenant Cuffed For Assaulting Landlord...............Pg. 1 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE//RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: RRoobbbbeerrss HHiitt TThhrreeee BBaannkkss......Pg. 1 WOODSIDE: Lawmaker Meets With Girl Scouts...........Photo, Pg. 1 ELMHURST: Man Charged With Fatally Stabbing Wife..............Pg. 3 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: PP..SS..//II..SS.. 111199 SSttuuddeennttss IInn HHoonnoorr SSoocciieettyy........Photo, Pg. 3 GLENDALE: Public Safety Tops GPOA Meeting.......................Pg. 5 BUSHWICK: Detectives Seek Clues To Man’s Murder...............Pg. 5 RIDGEWOOD: Democratic Club Decks Their Halls.........Photo, Pg. 5 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: CCooaalliittiioonn UUppddaatteess CCiivviicc OOnn SShheelltteerr FFiigghhtt......Pg. 6 GLENDALE: Liberty Park Group Honors Leaders............Photo, Pg. 6 MASPETH/MIDDLE VILLAGE: Air Noise Monitor Coming........Pg. 8 REGO PARK: Social Security Office Closed For Renovation.......Pg. 8 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: AAsssseemmbbllyywwoommaann TTaakkeess TThhee OOaatthh...................Photo, Pg. 8 RIDGEWOOD: St. Nicholas Day At Onderdonk House.....Photo, Pg. 9 ELMHURST: Cops Warn COMET On Tricky Thieves....................Pg. 10 ELMHURST: Alleged Firebug Cuffed For Torching Cars...............Pg. 13 WOODHAVEN: Seek Suspect In Home Invasion........................Pg. 19 RIDGEWOOD: ‘Noshwalk’ Focuses On Fine Local Fare.............Pg. 21 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Santa Shows Up At Tree Lighting.......Photos, Pg. 27 LONG ISLAND CITY: Historians Restore Triangle Monument......Pg. 29 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS LLaannddmmaarrkkss CCoommmmiissssiioonn PPuuttss FFrreeeezzee OOnn AApppplliiccaattiioonn PPuurrggee.............Pg. 3 HHoolliiddaayy CChhaannggeess TToo TTiimmeess DDeeaaddlliinneess && PPuubblliiccaattiioonn DDaatteess.............Pg. 4 SSttaattee BBiillll RReeqquuiirreess AAddvvaanncceedd NNoottiiccee OOff SShheelltteerr SSiittiinnggss..................Pg. 6 TTeenn AArrrreesstteedd FFoorr UUssiinngg CClliinniiccss TToo PPeerrppeettrraattee MMeeddiiccaarree FFrraauudd........Pg. 12 Drag Racers Busted For Drifting Away Inside Park......................Pg. 14 PPlleennttyy OOff HHoolliiddaayy CChheeeerr FFoouunndd AAtt LLooccaall CCeerreemmoonniieess......Photos, Pg. 24 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 10 News From The WRBA....Pg. 12 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 20 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 22 Community Calendar.....Pg. 22 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 22 TV Listings.....................Pg. 23 The Old Timer................Pg. 25 Social Security News.....Pg. 29 Sports...........................Pg. 59 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! 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