3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014 THE LOST LANDMARKS Commission To Give Delayed Plans The Boot by Robert Pozarycki Long-delayed proposals to landmark a Bushwick church and a famous sign on the Long Island City waterfront may be scrapped next week by the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). In a brief statement posted on submitted in 1980 for the LPC’s its website Monday, Dec. 1, the approval as a landmark; and the LPC announced it would vote at Pepsi-Cola sign near Gantry State its meeting this Tuesday, Dec. 9, Park in Long Island City, which to issue “no action” letters for 96 the LPC calendared in 1988. landmark applications “that are Additionally, the LPC also inactive and have been plans to dismiss the application to calendared for five years or landmark the Old Calvary longer,” many of which have Cemetery Gatehouse, at the been on the LPC’s radar at least corner of Gale and Greenpoint 20 years. avenues in the Blissville section Should the commission vote to of Long Island City. The adopt no action, it would affect a application was originally handful of proposed landmark submitted in 1973 and remained sites in the Times Newsweekly unaddressed. coverage area, including Constructed in 1892, the redbrick Bushwick’s St. Barbara’s Church, house stands near what was once the main entrance to the graveyard that is the final resting place for many prominent New Yorkers including Gov. Al Smith and Mayor Robert F. Wagner Jr. It was also featured in the classic 1972 mob film The Godfather. “This proposed action is without reference to merit, and does not prevent the commission from re-calendaring these buildings and sites in the future,” according to the LPC statement. “Calendaring is an administrative action that places a building or site on the commission’s calendar -SEE LANDMARK ON PG. 26- Bushwick’s St. Barbara’s Church Glendale Students Help Support American G.I.s The students and faculty at Glendale’s Sacred Heart School recently raised more than $2,300 for American soldiers in recognition of Veterans Day. The fundraiser supported the G.I. Go Fund, which helps returning veterans with their transition back to civilian life by providing employment, educational opportunities and assistance in securing benefits. The children made donations and wore jeans to class, and received a G.I. Go sticker for their efforts. Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: FFiillmm && TTVV SSttuuddiioo BBuuyyss AAttllaass TTeerrmmiinnaallss....................Pg. 1 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: GGuunnmmeenn CCoommee CCaalllliinngg AAtt PPhhoonnee SShhoopp..................Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: Burning Off The Turkey At Spin Class......Photo, Pg. 1 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: II..SS.. 7733 BBuuiillddeerrss GGeett BBoouunnttyy OOff FFoooodd.............Photo, Pg. 1 GLENDALE: School Shows Support For troops...............Photo, Pg. 3 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Board 5 Meeting This Wednesday...............Pg. 4 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: SSeenniioorrss MMoouurrnn PPaassssiinngg OOff PPeetteerr CCaarrddeellllaa..........Pg. 6 SUNNYSIDE: Suspect Busted For Mugging Elderly Man...........Pg. 6 FOREST HILLS: Seizure Sparks Three-Car Collision.........Photo, Pg. 6 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Learning How To Shape Up At CEC 24.......Pg. 8 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: SSuussppeecctteedd BBuurrggllaarr GGeettss BBaaggggeedd.......................Pg. 8 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Armed Crook Robs Gas Station...................Pg. 8 CORONA: Pregnant Mother Shot To Death At LeFrak City......Pg. 16 SUNNYSIDE: Changing Of Guard At 108th Pct..........Photos, Pg. 17 WWOOOODDSSIIDDEE:: DDOOEE LLooookkss TToo CCuutt GGrraaddee FFrroomm SScchhooooll...............Pg. 18 MIDDLE VILLAGE: CK Donates To R’wood Pantry............Photo, Pg. 19 WOODSIDE: Turning On The Holiday Lights....................Photo, Pg. 19 FOREST HILLS: College Pulled From Brink Of Failure..................Pg. 22 MASPETH: Revival Club Makes Food Donation................Photo, Pg. 22 RIDGEWOOD: Giving Back At The YMCA.....................Photo, Pg. 22 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS MTA Commission Report Seems To Support Rail Reactivation.......Pg. 1 LLaannddmmaarrkkss CCoommmmiissssiioonn SSeett TToo PPuurrggee FFoorrggootttteenn AApppplliiccaattiioonnss..........Pg. 3 FFeeddeerraall JJuuddggee DDiissmmiisssseess OOuusstteedd LLiibbrraarryy TTrruusstteeeess’’ LLaawwssuuiitt..............Pg. 6 HHiigghh SScchhoooollss PPaarrttiicciippaattee IInn MMooddeell CCiittyy CCoouunncciill..................Photo, Pg. 8 HHuunnggeerr CCoonnttiinnuueess TToo GGrrooww DDeessppiittee EEccoonnoommiicc RReeccoovveerryy..............Pg. 17 Lawmaker Outlines Participatory Budgeting Proposals................Pg. 17 DDuuttcchh CCoolloonniiaall DDooccuummeennttss AAvvaaiillaabbllee OOnn OOnnlliinnee CCiittyy AArrcchhiivvee.......Pg. 19 Audit: Hundreds Of School Computers Went Missing.................Pg. 52 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 Letters To The Editor.........Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.......Pg. 9 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 News From The GRHS....Pg. 19 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! 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