FEATURES Times Newsweekly Community Profiles • Local History • Nightlife • Food Reviews • Neighborhood Events And Memories 19 • TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014 Prior to Thanksgiving, students at Christ the King Regional High School participated in the Middle Village institution’s annual canned food drive. As noted, more than a dozen boxes of food and a $100 cash donation were collected and provided to the St. Matthias Food Pantry in Ridgewood to assist local families in need. The food drive was sponsored by Christ the King’s Campus Ministry, under the supervision of Sr. Elizabeth Graham. SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS MEANS MORE THAN WAVING FLAGS. HHeellpp RReettuurrnniinngg SSoollddiieerrss BByy DDoonnaattiinngg TToo VVeetteerraannss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss.. Woodside Gets Moving For Holidays Woodside merchants, civic leaders and residents welcomed the holiday season in style by lighting up holiday decorations at the corner of Woodside Avenue and 61st Street during a ceremony on Monday night, Dec. 2. Organized by Woodside on the Move, various elected officials attended, including City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer and State Sen. Michael Gianaris. (photo: Ron Sinacori) Tracing The City’s Roots Thru Record Dutch Colonial Documents Now Online As the first step in its efforts to digitize and make available to the public the historical records of New York City government, the city’s Department of Records and Information Services (DoRIS), announced that it is releasing its first online collection of 17th century historical manuscripts, showing the early development of the city’s government. The records include ordinances drawn from the Records of New Amsterdam for the period of 1647 to 1661, and their corresponding translations, maintained by the Municipal Archives and Municipal Library. “As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it is appropriate to reflect on the development of New Amsterdam as an exuberant center of commerce, open to settlers of diverse backgrounds, in contrast to the Puritan colonies,” said DoRIS Commissioner Pauline Toole last Thursday, Nov. 27. “These ordinances show how New Amsterdam officials tried to maintain order in a fractious and rowdy city, and shed a light on our city’s early development. It’s one step in our efforts to make the Municipal Archives and its vast contents more accessible to all New Yorkers. ” The Dutch-language manuscripts were translated at two junctures, first by E.B. O’Callaghan in the 1840s, and then from 1895 to 1898 by Berthold Fernow. Both O’Callaghan’s handwritten and Fernow’s typeset version are included on the website. The featured ordinances are a small portion of the collection of New Amsterdam and Common Council minutes for the period from 1647 to 1834, and include the manuscripts of proceedings, -SEE RECORD ON PG. 57- News From The GRHS The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society St. Nicholas Day Sunday At The Onderdonk House St. Nicholas will be visiting the Vander Ende-Onderdonk House in Ridgewood, this Sunday, Dec. 7, from noon to 4 p.m. to distribute gifts. The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society is excited to bring this Dutch holiday tradition to children of all ages. All children are admitted free, and a separate $3 donation is requested for each adult for St. Nicholas Day. Later that evening, the society will be lighting candles, warming up the mulled cider and hosting candlelight tours of the Onderdonk House and grounds from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be a musical program, including traditional and holiday music. Donation is $5 for adults, children free. During the daytime program, guests can take those special photos with St. Nick; enjoy refreshments; make homemade ornaments; join society members in some holiday singing; sample lots of home baked goodies and hot cider; and listen to the story of St. Nicholas and the origins of many of the Christmas traditions throughout the afternoon. While visiting the historic early eighteenth century farmhouse, guests can enjoy the special holiday exhibit on St. Nicholas, the current exhibit, “Unearthed at the Onderdonk House—Artifacts from the 1970 Archaeological Investigations”; tour the restored Colonial Kitchen; and tour the Onderdonk House, decorated for the holiday season. The Onderdonks lived during the Victorian era and most -SEE GRHS ON PG. 57- Midville School Helps Feed Hungry
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