Tips for tackling dry eye symptoms
Did you know that too much time
spent looking at your smartphone, computer
or TV can lead to symptoms of dry
eye? If you are having blurry vision, gritty,
scratchy or watery eyes, you might be one
of the 30 million Americans with dry eye.
And for a majority of those people, a complex
disorder called Meibomian Gland
Dysfunction (MGD) is a root cause of dry
eye symptoms.
“While dry eye is more prevalent in
older people, more young people are being
diagnosed due to increased screen time,
diet and other factors. Th ere are many
causes for dry eye, but it is important to
understand conditions like Meibomian
Gland Dysfunction and how to best fi nd
relief for symptoms,” said Dr. Whitney
Hauser, optometrist and “Th e Dry Eye
Follow these tips to help ease the discomfort
of dry eye and to determine
if you need to talk to your eye doctor
if symptoms persist and become more
Take breaks from your devices
It is easy to lose track of screen time
when the new normal includes relying on
digital devices for everything from staying
connected to your family, working
and even ordering household necessities.
Be sure to take breaks to give your eyes a
rest and, most importantly, don’t forget to
blink. Failing to blink regularly can contribute
to drying out your eyes, so try following
the 20/20/20 rule; look at something
20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20
minutes while reading or staring at devices
and computers for prolonged periods
of time.
Make small changes
to your lifestyle
Taking care of your eyes in a variety of
ways can help keep dry eye symptoms at
bay. Small changes like wearing sunglasses
outdoors to reduce exposure to wind and
the sun, properly cleaning your contact
lenses before inserting them if you wear
weekly or monthly lenses, using a humidifi
er in your home and staying hydrated
can help reduce dry eye symptoms.
Use an over-the-counter
eye drop for relief
Over-the-counter dry eye drops are a
great option to replenish the eye’s natural
moisture, especially for people with
mild symptoms. One example, SYSTANE
Complete®, can be used for the temporary
relief of burning and irritation, and provides
fast relief. Th is can be a convenient
option because you can take it with you
and alleviate symptoms no matter where
you are.
Make an appointment
with your eye doctor
If you’re having persistent visual fl uctuations,
irritation, watery eyes and dryness,
you might have a condition called
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).
Consider making an appointment with an
eye doctor to discuss in-offi ce treatments
like the Systane® iLux®. Th is device delivers
direct and personalized treatment to
blocked glands in your eyelids in just 8-12
minutes for both eyes.
—Courtesy of BPT
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