Glendale entrepreneur pitches product on TV
Glendale resident Chris Landano competed
on “America’s Big Deal” with his product, the
Trakbelt Modular Belt, on Thursday, Nov. 4.
The show that airs on USA Network invites entrepreneurs
from across the country to sell their readyto
ship products live to viewers at home. At the end
of the show, the person with the highest dollar sales
gets the chance to make a deal with one of the show’s
retail partners, including Lowe’s and Macy’s.
Landano is a retired forensic photographer for the
New York City Fire Department.
In 2003, Landano responded to a building collapse
in Corona, Queens, where he crawled on his hands
and knees to photograph the search and rescue
eff orts. Landano got trapped on his way out of the
building when his gear got tangled in debris.
This is how the idea for his versatile tool belt,
Trakbelt360, came about.
Trakbelt360 allows for tools or gear pouches to be
easily moved around your waist. It also has refl ective
fabric that is seen easily with foam molding for
comfort, according to Landano.
“If I had a product like that on my waist at the time,
I wouldn’t have gotten stuck,” Landano said.
Landano was originally from Ridgewood but
now resides in Glendale. He said that being a part of
this show was a signifi cant step toward getting his
product recognized.
“It’s every inventors’ dream to get on a platform
where you can get your product and your story in
front of movers and shakers that could snap their
Chris Landano on “America’s Big Deal.” Courtesy of America’s Big Deal
fi ngers and take your product to the next level,”
Landano said.
Landano didn’t secure a deal with one of the wellknown
retail partners, but was excited to get his
product out there.
“I’m hoping someone sees it and reaches out to me,”
Landano said. “I always knew I had an amazing story
that’s diff erent than others.”
For more information about Landano and his
modular tool belt, visit ShopAmericasBigDeal.com.