Two-alarm blaze rips through Ridgewood junkyard
More than 100 fi refighters
into Ridgewood
early Monday morning
to battle a two-alarm fi re
that broke out at a local
According to FDNY
officials, the blaze drew
140 firefighters from 25
diff erent units to 151 Woodward
Ave., where the fi re
consumed the fi rst fl oor of
Aalba Auto Wrecking, at
approximately 2:01 a.m. on
Monday, Nov. 6.
The fi re raged for nearly
two hours before fi refi ghters
finally got it under
control at approximately
4 a.m., FDNY sources said.
In all, six firefighters
were injured during their
eff orts to control the blaze.
They were all treated for
minor injuries, the Fire
Department added.
Fire marshals are investigating
the cause of the fi re.
Middle Village Preparatory Charter School
will conduct its monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
on Wednesday, November 15th.
Details are as follows:
WHO: Middle Village Preparatory Charter School
WHAT: Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday, November
15, 2 017
TIME: 6:00 PM
WHERE: Multi-Purpose Room at Middle Village Prep
Door # 10
68-02 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, NY 11379
All meetings of the Trustees and all committees and subcommittees
are conducted with the New York Open Meetings Law
(N.Y. Public Officers Law §§ 100-111).
Photos via Twitter/@NYPDBees
A two-alarm fi re ripped across the fi rst fl oor of a Ridgewood commercial building on Nov. 6.
Queensboro UNICO presents
Frank Bianco Award
Queensboro UNICO handed
out the Frank Bianco Award
during the organization’s
Scholarship Award Night on Oct.
3, at Villa Erasmo Restaurant in
Middle Village.
The winner of the Frank Bianco
Award and $1,000 was Frank Lopresto;
1st prize and $1,000 went to Vincent
Colona; winning 2nd prize and $750
was Julia Mantione; taking home
3rd prize and $750 was Christina De
Photo courtesy of Queensboro UNICO
Stefano; and 4th prize and $500 went
to Salvatore Mezzatesta. The winners
were joined by Queensboro UNICO
chapter president Sal Tomaselli
and event chair Anthony D’Angelo.
The contestants were asked to
write an essay on Italian heritage.
The Frank Bianco Award was donated
by Frank Bianco's wife, Mary,
in honor of Bianco’s memory and
dedication to the club and community
and all of its great work.