

28 times • AUGUST 27, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT For breaKInG neWs VIsIT SCOTT BARON’S STAR OF QUEENS Photo courtesy of debra toscano brought to you by star OF queens SCOTT BARON & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1-866-WAS-HURT (866) 927-4878 718.738.9800 CUTLER’S REPAIRS 12 years this LED be saving LYNBROOK 817 (2 Blocks 516-10%ANY With Coupon.Limit 1 per Excludes Repairs,CUTLER’S Debra Toscano actress, singer and voice teacher PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Debra Toscano is originally from Long Island but has resided in Bayside for about 15 years. She comes from a musical background with a father who worked as a music teacher and she had a lot of early exposure to the music industry. She has one older sister, who is also in the music industry as a piano player and drummer. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND AND CAREER: Toscano is a professional singer and actress who works as a music teacher in Frank Toscano Music School in Astoria, which is owned by her father. He has owned the school for over 50 years, and Toscano currently teaches there as a vocal coach. She is also working on movie called “Bohemia,” which will feature her own original screenplay and begins filming in January. CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY: Toscano brightens the day of hospital patients by visiting with the cast of her last film project, a crime drama dubbed “Snitches.” They created a program called Snitches Give Back to visit both children and adults in local hospitals, talking with patients, signing autographs, and giving out headshots to bring cheer into the lives of patients. BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Toscano says her biggest challenge as an actress is getting consistent work and locking in a gig. While acting has a glamorous image to those outside the profession, finding good acting parts and doing good work can be difficult for performers. “When you’re in one gig you’re always looking to secure the next one,” she said. “Booking the work is always the biggest challenge to keep yourself motivated.” GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Toscano is most proud of singing the national anthem for major sporting events including games for the New York Jets and Giants, and the U.S. Open. “That’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever done because it’s a huge honor to sing the national anthem.” BY ALINA SURIEL SUMMER MADNESS We Already Had The Lowest Prices in NYC But We’ve Just Lowered Them Again Our LOWEST PRICES EVER and our Thanks to YOU! Implant $100, Final Abutment $100 Porcelain Crown $800 Total Cost .................................$900 Total Cost* $900 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS... WHY PAY MORE FOR THE SAME QUALITY? Offer Good thru 8/31/2015 Oral Examination ..........................................................FREE Consultation .................................................................FREE Xray ...............................................................................$50 Acrylic Crowns ..............................................................$100 Enamel Bonds per Tooth ..............................................$100 Laser Bleaching (per arch) ...........................................$150 Extractions Simple .......................................................$50 Root Canals 1 Canal .....................................................$250 2 Canals ...................................................$350 3 Canals ...................................................$550 Porcelain Crowns .........................................................$1000 OVERDENTURES WITH IMPLANTS........................$4500 PER UPPER OR LOWER USUAL & CUSTOMARY FEE ................................$7500 DR. ROBERT WINEGARDEN D.D.S. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN Midtown Manhattan 57 W 57th St., Suite 610 • 212-753-0123 DISCOUNTED PARKING! 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE & 5 YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE Oral Surgeon and Periodontist on staff CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION 1-800-287-TEETH 212-753-0123 *Implant, Abutment and crown must be completed at our offices to qualify for promotional fees. New patients only. Additional charges may occur for more complex cases. Ad must be presented for discounted prices.

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