TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2014 • 10 COMING SOON: CB 5 ROAD FIX by Robert Pozarycki Residential blocks will be targeted by Department of Transportation (DOT) crews during scheduled street resurfacing around Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth and Middle Village tentatively scheduled to take place this fall. The list that the DOT presented to Community Board 5, which the Times Newsweekly obtained, indicated the street work would take place beginning in September, subject to last-minute changes. Street resurfacing occurs in two stages. First, DOT crews mill, or strip, the existing pavement off the roadway, utilizing a large scarifying machine. A short time thereafter— generally within one to three weeks—a DOT crew installs the new asphalt. The DOT will place notices of Felines Rescued At R’wood Home Say Hoarder Lived In Squalor by Robert Pozarycki Animal advocates removed 40 felines from a dilapidated Ridgewood home during an animal rescue operation Tuesday, July 22, it was reported. Reportedly, the operation took place at the Palmetto Street home of Giuseppe Genna, 68, who previously got in trouble for hoarding cats inside his residence. Jenny Coffey of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals told the Times Newsweekly that, after many appeals from the ASPCA and other organizations, Genna agreed to have animal experts remove the felines from his home. Participating in Tuesday’s rescue operation were the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, Animal Haven, Sean Casey Animal Rescue, the Humane Society and the New York City Feral Cat Initiative. Coffey stated rescuers discovered the cats and Genna were living in squalid conditions, with floors and other areas of the home soaked in cat urine. “There were no visible signs of cruelty, but there were signs of neglect,” Coffey said. Some of the cats had fleas and others had either -SEE CATS ON PG. 28- by Robert Pozarycki Concerned about a rising cost of living in Ridgewood, a group of neighborhood residents are banding together to look for ways to keep the community affordable. The Ridgewood Tenants Union was formed earlier this year in response to the neighborhood’s “hypergentrification,” according to one of its co-founders, Raquel Namuche, a long-time Ridgewood resident. “In Bushwick, the neighborhood shifted gradually,” Namuche told the Times Newsweekly in a phone interview Monday, July 21. But in Ridgewood, she said, changes seem “to be happening more drastically.” “All neighborhoods go through changes in different shifts. We understand that’s got to happen,” she added. “But it seems to be happening in Ridgewood at a faster pace.” Linking up through social media websites, Namuche and two other area residents—Manny Jalonschi and Katy Knight—began meeting to look at rising rents and zoning changes and explore ways to react to them. “Our overall goal is to create some sort of transparency with the zoning process and the development that’s happening more and more in Ridgewood,” Namuche said. “We want to build an organized response to luxury developments that may come down the line. We think it’s a way to preserve the neighborhood’s affordability, culture and history.” Rent increases, in particular, are a -SEE UNION ON PG. 53- DOT To Resurface Local Streets This Autumn impending resurfacing work on each affected street days prior to resurfacing. Parking is prohibited during scheduled street resurfacing; all vehicles found parked on the block can and will be towed away at the owner’s expense. All scheduled resurfacing work is weather permitting and may be rescheduled at the last minute due to inclement weather. Call the city’s 311 hotline to check for updates. -SEE 106TH COUN ON PG. 54- Queensbridge ‘Friends’ Honor Legislator City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer attended Friends of Queensbridge Park Family Day on Saturday, July 19. The annual event brings local residents out to Queensbridge Park for an afternoon of recreational activities, a barbecue and dancing. Van Bramer was honored in recognition of his public service and dedication to the community. Van Bramer was honored along with Bishop Mitchell Taylor of Urban Upbound and Sharon Scott of Transcanada. Van Bramer is pictured with Scott, Elizabeth McQueen, president of Friends of Queensbridge Park, Taylor and Queensbridge resident Yaroah Webb. 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