Hate crimes probe into Glen. swastikas Spa robber
Police are looking for a man
who treated himself to
massages at beauty salons
in Ridgewood on Saturday, then
assaulted and robbed workers
when they wouldn’t accept the
counterfeit C-notes that he off ered
as payment.
The NYPD said the fi rst incident
occurred at 10:10 a.m. on July 13
inside a beauty and nail salon
located at 810 Fairview Ave.
Ac c o r d i n g
t o law
sources, the
male suspect
v i s i t e d
the salon,
r e c e i v e d
a massage
and presented
a 52 -y e a r - o l d
female employee with a fake $100
bill as payment.
When she refused to accept it,
cops said, the man went on the
attack, striking her and another
salon worker, a 51-year-old
Authorities said the
suspect then removed three
cellphones, $200 in real cash
and a camera receiver from the
salon. He fl ed the scene in an
unknown direction.
The employees were not
seriously injured, police noted.
More than two hours later, cops
said, the crook received another
massage from the Sunshine Foot
Spa at 558 Grandview Ave. at
about 12:41 p.m. on July 13. As in
the fi rst incident, the indulgent
suspect attempted to pay for it
with a phony $100 bill.
When a 39-year-old female
employee confronted him about
the fake cash, authorities noted,
the suspect grabbed her by the
neck, then proceeded to remove
two cellphones and fl ed the spa.
The foot spa worker was
also not seriously injured,
police said.
Both incidents were reported
to the 104th Precinct. On July 14,
the NYPD released video footage
of the robber. Cops described him
as a man last seen wearing a black
shirt and black shorts.
Call 800-577-TIPS with
information about the case.
The NYPD has opened a hate
crimes investigation into the
discovery of two swastikas —
both apparently made of excrement
— on a Glendale bus stop shelter
last week.
On the afternoon of July 10, a post
on the Glendale Civic Association
Facebook group emerged of the
hateful vandalism found on an
advertisement for Cellino & Barnes
Law Firm at the corner of Cypress
Hills Street and Myrtle Avenue in
According to the post, the
swastikas were drawn with a brown
substance that appeared to be human
feces. There were also reports that
the feces-like substance was spread
around the bus stop. Apparently, the
anti-semitic graffiti had been sitting
there for over a day.
At 1 p.m. July 9, a 63-year-old
female notified police after seeing
the two swastikas. Officers of the
104th Precinct were dispatched
to the site and report the incident,
police said.
Police sources acknowledged to
QNS on July 11 that the swastikas
Swastikas were scrawled onto this advertisement at a bus stop in Glendale
last week. Photo via Thomas Blake Ramsey/Glendale Civic Association Facebook Group
were scrawled at the bus stop, but
could not confirm if they were made
of human waste.
The Hate Crimes Task Force is
investigating the incident as a
possible bias crime, according to law
enforcement sources said.
No arrests have been made, nor
any swift effort to clean the racist
mess up. It was not until two days
after the incident that the swastikas
had been washed away, according to
a July 11 post on the Glendale Civic
Association Facebook page.
ATF agents outside a home on 79th Street in Ozone Park on July 11. Photo by RHS NEWS
An Ozone Park home was
raided by federal agents
on Thursday as a part of an
ongoing investigation.
A spokesperson from the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms’
(ATF) New York office confirmed
that agents were sent to a home on
79th Street near Sutter Avenue on
the morning on July 11.
The federal agency investigates
unlawful use, manufacture,
and possession of firearms and
explosives; acts of arson and
bombings; and illegal traffi cking of
alcohol and tobacco products. ATF
also regulates the sale, possession,
and transportation of firearms,
ammunition, and explosives in
interstate commerce through
At this time, neither ATF or the
Southern District of New York could
not confi rm why the raid had taken
place. Rumors circulated that as
many 30 ATF agents were on scene
investigating, however an ATF
spokesperson stated that is not true.
No further details about the
raid were made available prior to
press time.
struck twice
in Ridgewood
Few answers in Ozone Park ATF operation